the case for a creator

Strobel's discussion about God's existence is based on a preponderance of scientific evidence. Watch later. Through his compelling and highly readable account, you'll encounter the mind-stretching discoveries from cosmology, cellular biology, DNA research, astronomy, physics, and human consciousness that present compelling evidence in The Case for a Creator. This book allowed only one side to speak and silenced the others. Showing all 1 items Jump to: Summaries (1) Summaries. Lee Patrick Strobel is an American Christian author, journalist, apologist and pastor. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Lee Strobel was the award-winning legal editor of the Chicago Tribune. Makes the case persuasively; in fact, so persuasively that one has to wonder how scientists in any field c. Excellent book, both for readers who want to know the science supporting intelligent design and for readers who are searching or doubtful about it. Start by marking “The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Share. “If it's true there's a beginning to the universe, as modern cosmologists now agree, then this implies … -- the answer being that God transcends time and space and he is eternal. Wow! Not all of his points match my personal theology (the necessity of an ex-nihlo creation, and a disembodied God, for example). The Case for a Creator is the nonfiction account of a journalistic investigation by Lee Strobel. When objectively considered, does contemporary scientific evidence point toward or away from a supernatural Creator? Either those scientists are in denial or have another agenda, as Strobel shows the irony in educated scientists ignoring or trying to weave around (through circular and flawed theories) the overwhelming evidence for creation. Do science and religion conflict? Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Lee Strobel grew up in a nominally religious home, but the nearly universal teaching of Darwinian evolution in his educational experience, beginning in high school biology and throughout college, led him to become an atheist. For several years in Reno, I taught a class called "Science and the Restoration." He goes on an on about how he investigated this issue like a court of law investigates a crime, but he forgot one detail: courts of law allow BOTH sides to make their case. This book used logic and deductive reasoning to make a strong case for intelligent design vs. evolution. Second, he didn't seem to forcefully push the skeptics point of view as he had done in his previous works. You will get a great taste for the book from the quotes below. I don't necessaryly like his writing style but the information in is books are great. I don’t know why I thought that. He also went to great lengths to find respected scientists who are experts in their fields to build his case. Strobel has been interviewed on numerous national television programs, including ABC's 20/20, Fox News, and CNN. The Case for a Creator for Kids investigates: Up-to-date scientific research in cosmology (how the universe began) Physics (how the universe functions) Astronomy (celestial objects outside our planet) DNA (the building blocks of all living things) You’re learning stuff in school, you’re learning stuff in church, and you’re learning stuff at home about the creation of the world. Many of the arguments in this book do provoke uncertainty and mystery, but that does not necessarily provide evidence for me in supernatural explanations such as God, let alone a Christian god. "Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God." So I really didn't learn any new from Strobel's book, although it was a good refresher. "There are some scientists that will tell you that the evidence of science points away from a Creator. GoodNews Tube wants to share the good news of … This book is a waste of time and money. Following his conversion from atheism in 1981, he wrote the New York Times best-selling books, As a high school freshman, Mr. Strobel became convinced that God did not exist. Like his previous books that examined the evidence for the Biblical Christ and philosophical arguments for faith, this book examines the overwhelming evidence that points away from Darwinism to Intelligent Design. Mark A. Copeland The Case For Creation 3 The Case For Creation The Biblical Case For Creation INTRODUCTION 1. Systematically addressing the issue of the origins of the universe in the fields of Physics, Biochemistry, Cosmology, Astronomy etc, Strobel illustrates that rather than disprove the existence of an intelligent designer over the past 150 years, scientific evidents points towards and supports the case for a creator. Systematically addressing the issue of the origins of the universe in the fields of Physics, Biochemistry, Cosmology, Astronomy etc, Strobel illustrates that rather than disprove the existence of an intelligent designer over the past 150 years, scien. It has been the popular belief for decades that science and Christianity are light years apart. Poor arguments, multiple fallacies, flawed science, bogus experts. Some of the experts that Strobel interviews were familiar to me--partly because I was introduced to a couple of them through books like THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO DARWINISM AND INTELLIGENT DESIGN and DARWIN'S BLACK BOX, and partly because Strobel tends to re-interview a lot of the same people he already consulted with on previous books. This book gives a pretty good overview of recent arguments for Intelligent Design. Strobel's talent as a journalist is evident in his ability to make what is scientifically technical book come to life and be accessible to the reader. Excellent in the discussion of its subject matter especially in the light of various scientific disciplines, such as Biology, Palaeontology, Physics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Biochemistry and Neuroscience. More than just a devastating challenge to Darwinism, these amazing biological systems which far exceed the capacity of human technology point toward a transcendent Creator. As an atheist at that time, Lee Strobel considered them foolish and uneducated. I studied Physics and Math at CU Boulder, and went from a Christian, to an Atheist, to an Agnostic, and then back to a Christian. This book helped tremendously. Share. However, as our knowledge of cosmology, astronomy, physics, biochemistry, and DNA has continued to grow, this supposed gap has all but disappeared. Refresh and try again. The good news is that God loves you, He has a wonderful plan for your life and a glorious future for you in Heaven with Him. The Case for a Creator - Lee Strobel. Lee Strobel grew up in a nominally religious home, but the nearly universal teaching of Darwinian evolution in his educational experience, beginning in high school biology and throughout college, led him to become an atheist. Also available: The Case for a Creator small group video study and study guide, Spanish edition, kids' edition, student edition, and more. Not being one to put all my stock into one point of view, I also read a book on evolution. Be prepare to face facts that undermine the arguments for atheism and agnosticism. A circle with a left pointing chevron. When I read this book I liked it because it strengthened my faith, and I didn't read any refutations of it because I was afraid that might damage my faith. Watch later. The author utilizes research, interviews with scholars, logic and kid-friendly illustrations (e.g., the aforementioned elephant) to make his case. From a scientific perspective, the only real problem I had with it was Strobel's willingness to take the Big Bang theory of universal origins at face value, including the requisite billions of years that such natural processes would entail. For some reason, starting out, I thought I wouldn’t like this book as much as the other two Lee Strobel books I’ve read. When I got to college, my natural sciences professor with his anti-Christian attitude all but shoved me in the direction of intelligent design (which, ironically, I had never heard of prior to taking his class). If you're looking for a writer with a lot of journalistic integrity, Strobel is definitely not your man. This was actually good for my faith, but there were still lots of nagging doubts around science and God. The evidence makes the case for the existence of God by way of intelligent causation and design. Explores all the disciplines via interviews with experts - physics, astronomy, biology, evolution, chemistry, more. Lee Strobel investigates the latest scientific discoveries to see whether they form a solid basis for believing in God. This Study Guide consists of approximately 38 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Case For a Creator. Enjoy! Tap to … Not all of his points match my personal theo. It takes me a little bit longer to read his books than most books I read but it is worth it. The Creator now revealed by 21st century science. However, if you're not totally put off by Strobel's blatant biases and self-congratulatory writing style, this book turns out to be a very entertaining and informative read. In The Case for a Creator DVD, Strobel reexamines the theories that once led him away from God. Overall, this book benefit from a more balanced point of view, even though Strobel claims it does. But I've learned a lot since then. Home: Mobile Home: Old Style MP3 Bible Random Video What's New Jewish Stories X-Witch X-Muslim Bible Movies Gospel Videos Godly Movies CBN Videos Free Praise/Worship MP3s. ×. Highlighted by spectacular computer animation, “The Case for a Creator” DVD is a remarkable film in which you'll encounter the mind-stretching discoveries from cosmology, cellular biology, DNA research, astronomy, physics, and human consciousness. After all, the Bible opens with the statement, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Before I write my review, I think it's necessary to state a little about myself. We’d love your help. Having faith is easy when facts back up your argument but acting on that faith takes everything you can possible give. Growing up in school, I had no internal conflicts with science and faith. To create our... A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God: 'My road to atheism was paved by science . Based upon a New York Times best-seller, The Case for a Creator is a remarkable film about Lee Strobel’s journey from spiritual skepticism to a profound faith in the God who has etched his indelible signature upon every galaxy and living cell. Welcome back. Based upon a New York Times best-seller, The Case For A Creator is a remarkable film about Lee Strobel's journey from spiritual skepticism to a profound faith in the God who has etched His indelible signature upon every galaxy and living cell. Are all the basic aspects of evolutionary theory known to be correct? I found that Strobel interviews "experts" that do not always hold degrees in the fields they are being interviewed about, such as the his interview with Moreland about consciousness. Tailored Healthcare Staffing is seeking a qualified Case Management Travel RN for the following…See this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. . Now that I actually know the arguments presented here are the same ones creationists have been presenting for decades, arguments that have been refuted over and over again, I feel that in writing this book Lee Strobel was being dishonest. One of my favorite quotes from the book is "Science done right points to God." (Hebrews 3:4), Excellent book, both for readers who want to know the science supporting intelligent design and for readers who are searching or doubtful about it. Almost every one of these interviews is with a scientist who's works I read in developing my class! And finally, this book, unlike its predecessors, uses a ton of technical terms that can go over the average reader's head. Strobel, whose apologetics titles The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith have enjoyed strong popularity among evangelicals, approaches creation/evolution issues in the same simple and energetic style. When objectively considered, does contemporary scientific evidence point toward or away from a supernatural Creator? In typical journalist fashion, he takes a look into science to see if science and God can both be true. This book discusses many scientific topics from the beginning of the universe, to Darwins theory of Evolution, to molecular biology and DNA to the human consciousness and uses it to create the case that scientific evidence points to a creator and that everything did not and could not have happened by naturalistic random chaotic chance. And absolute must read for those who have an interest in the so-called religion vs science debate. I purchased all of Strobel’s major books, including The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith in a combined edition and The Case for the Real Jesus, but decided to start with what I would consider “the beginning,” The Case for a Creator. They both have very valid points, and I don't deny evolution's principle of survival of the fittest, and how over time it can actually cause organisms to 'evolve' to their environment, however the Case for a Creator is much more believable as far as the beginnings of life and organisms. 5 pages at 400 words per page) View a FREE sample. Item Preview. Having faith is easy when facts back up your argument but acting on that faith takes everything you can possible give. has strengthened their belief in an Intelligent Creator. This one is very good. This is a staggeringly heavy read for an author and former journalist who has made so many other topics accessible to the average reader. Info. Strobel also hosted a television program called Faith Under Fire on PAX TV, and runs a video apologetics web site. Summary. It would have been nice if Strobel would have interviewed experts with opposing viewpoints for each field of study. While Mr. Strobel, who has extensively researched these topics, has every right to make that argument, I would have preferred that argument be made by one or more of his interviewees. Got about 80 pages through in about 4 months time. Tautologies hardly account for an argument. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published LEE STROBEL The Case for a Creator Full documentary - YouTube. I found that Strobel interviews "experts" that do not always hold degrees in the fields they are being interviewed about, such as the his interview with Moreland about consciousness. Still, like "The Case for Christ" and "The Case for Faith," this is a great introductory book to the case for Intelligent Design that can be followed up by reading the suggested works that are at the end of every interview. February 26th 2005 Be prepare to face facts that undermine the arguments for atheism and agnosticism. I'll pick this up again in the winter when I can devote more time to it. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? The Case for a Creator Study Guide Revised Edition: Investigating the … This is especially true of the chapter on astronomy where, rather than seriously push alternatives, he seems to sit back and be awed by everything. Also, many of his "experts" hold minority views in their respective fields. The Case for a Creator, DVD By: Lee Strobel Format: DVD Vendor: Illustra Media: Weight: 4 ounces UPC: 804671071396 Series: Intelligent Design Collection Stock No: WW071396: Related Products. Explores all the disciplines via interviews with experts - physics, astronomy, biology, evolution, chemistry, more. Popular author and speaker Lee Strobel is back with another junior version of one of his bestselling Cases for Christianity books. Search icon. Posted 1 week ago. Ellipses icon. Though I was familiar with some of the evidence having read Michael Behe's "Darwin's Black Box" and seen some Intelligent Design documentaries, Mr. Strobel still finds a great deal of evidence that points towards a Creator. Icons of Evolution. Overall, this book benefit from a more balanced. We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day. So I really didn't learn any new from Strobel's book, although it was a good refresher. His books always stand out because he pushes back with an atheistic (or Darwinian ) argument and forces the interviewee to defend their argument, which they usually do stupendously. The Case For A Creator. On the other hand, I thought it was interesting to learn of Earth's astronomical privilege and the holes in evolution. Fascinating without being overly-detailed in the minutia (but plenty of footnotes, heavily referenced for additional drill-down). Lee would present an atheistic argument to the creationist he was interviewing, the creationist would use his wit and apparent knowledge to make it sound silly, and then Lee would say "Wow, that's really interesting, you guys were right all along!" However, by the time I finished reading and set the book down, I was still unsure of exactly what the author believes and what he wanted me to believe. Basically it's an "investigative" book that explores the existence of God from a scientific perspective - i.e. Strobel interviewed scientists and scholars from a wide range of disciplines for the answers. Not only is this not true in my experience, but that also leaves open the question, "Where did God come from?" The Case For A Creator : Lee Strobel : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. He has written several books, including four which received ECPA Christian Book Awards (1994, 1999, 2001, 2005) and a series which addresses challenges to a Biblically inerrant view of Christianity. Shopping. That being said, reading this book did not push me back to intelligent design. When I got to college, my natural sciences professor with his anti-Christian attitude all but shoved me in the direction of intelligent design (which, ironically, I had never heard of prior to taking his class). He has written several books, including four which received ECPA Christian Book Awards (1994, 1999, 2001, 2005) and a series which addresses challenges to a Biblically inerrant view of Christianity. by Lee Strobel. "It's pure a concept, an idea, without scientific proof [...]. Don't take it from me though. This was an amazing book! Copy link. Good book. “If I had stopped asking questions, that’s where I would have remained.”, “Would it not be strange if a universe without purpose accidentally created humans who are so obsessed with purpose? This book gives a pretty good overview of recent arguments for Intelligent Design. He goes on an on about how he investigated this issue like a court of. I remain a faithful believer in God that happens also to believe in science. The Case for a Creator (2006 TV Movie) Plot. But the book is well worth reading. Strobel's talent as a journalist is evident in his ability to make what is scientifically technical book come to life and be accessible to the reader. Can the entire universe be explained simply in terms of matter and energy? Add To Cart Add To Wishlist. However, after the Yale-educated law journalist’s wife was converted to Christ, he began to rethink the foundations of his unbelief, embarking upon the adventure of a lifetime by using his talents as an investigative journalist to examine the facts. Shopping. Read a Sample Read a Sample Enlarge Book Cover. It's as if those scientists have unwittingly created their own faith-based religion - one in which much greater faith is required than simply following the evidence supporting creation. But, ironically, so was my later journey to God.' Still, I have some criticisms that keep me from giving this book five stars: First, though finding a ton of evidence, Mr. Strobel only gives a personal argument as to how all of this points to the Christian God of the Bible. Lee Patrick Strobel is an American Christian author, journalist, apologist and pastor. Strobel interviewed scientists and scholars from a wide range of disciplines for the answers. Lee Strobel's "The Case for a Creator" zoom's in on his high school days when he is in a science class that really challenges him if Science has disproved or discovered God. Combine that with quote-mining at the beginning of each chapter and you have a book that appears to present a conclusive collection of evidence for creation. Makes the case persuasively; in fact, so persuasively that one has to wonder how scientists in any field can not be convinced of intelligent design. That being said, reading this book did n. Before I write my review, I think it's necessary to state a little about myself. Up Next. Strobel lays out three arguments in this book, all of which are problematic: As most of you know Lee Strobel has written several "The Case for ..." books. Once again, Strobel turns the whole "case" into a mistrial by deciding. The Case for a Creator is the non-fiction account of a journalistic investigation regarding the existence of God. I was expecting religious arguments but instead it's almost entirely cutting edge scientific and philisophical argument! Strobel's book is a series of interviews with scientists who's work (in biology, genetics, cosmology, astronomy, physics, etc.) This book used logic and deductive reasoning to make a strong case for intelligent design vs. evolution. I’d like to briefly mention 3 items that really spoke to me. The Case for a Creator Study Guide Revised Edition: Investigating the Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God [Strobel, Lee, Poole, Garry D.] on This entire book is a practice in anti-intellectualism and deceit. Don't take it fr. has strengthened their belief in an Intelligent Creator. I purchased all of Strob. And absolute must read for those who have an interest in the so-called religion vs science debate. Print Word PDF. However, after the Yale-educated law journalist’s wife was converted to Christ, he began to rethink the foundations of his unbelief, embarking upon the adventure of a lifetime by using his talents as an investigative journalist to examine the facts. Lee Strobel. Search for something. Speaking at a two-day Christian apologetics event at Saddleback Church in Southern California, Strobel kicked-off the series of weekend messages given by five different apologists by talking about The Case for a Creator. Also, many of his "experts" hold minority views in their respective fields. Though I was familiar with some of the evidence having read Michael Behe's "Darwin's Black Box" and seen some Intelligent Design documentaries, Mr. The Case for a Creator. I remained that way for about two years before I again accepted evolution as a valid theory. Info. However, I did not feel like he built much of a case at all. Strobel's book is a series of interviews with scientists who's work (in biology, genetics, cosmology, astronomy, physics, etc.) Here are two of my favorite quotes: Jesus gave His all for all of humanity and now it's our turn to give back to Him by studying and … I say that based on science. For several years in Reno, I taught a class called "Science and the Restoration." In The Case for a Creator, Strobel reexamines the theories that once led him away from God. This might make it a better introductory read than a lot of the recent Intelligent Design books since they discuss ID mainly from the point of view of Biology. I trust they will either encorage you or challenge your belief. Not being one to put all my stock into one point of view, I also read a book on evolution. The Case for a Creator is more scientific and compelling than mainstream science has led everyone to believe. I even found myself befuddled at times by what was being said. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Lee Strobel starts this book by telling the readers about his prior atheism, and his wife's conversion to Christianity was his impetus to discern the 'truth' behind the scientific evidence for or against a divine Creator. The creator of Line of Duty has insisted that viewers enjoyed the finale, despite evidence to the contrary. The Case For a Creator - Chapters 8 – 9 Summary & Analysis. The book, “Case for a Creator” written by Lee Strobel, is a journey to find the truth about life and the universe. Price: $2.99. Atomic Prayer Declaration Tongues Warfare + Blessing Healing. The Case For Six Literal 24 Hour Days 19 Difficulties With Evolutionary Science 22 Difficulties With Evolutionary Scientists 26 Resources For Further Study 28 . The Case for a Creator. An illustration of text ellipses. Almost every one of these interviews is with a scientist who's works I read in developing my class! Once again, Strobel turns the whole "case" into a mistrial by deciding the outcome in advance and then making sure to interview only such experts as would help steer the book toward its pre-ordained conclusions. “My conclusion,” said Behe, “can be summed up in a single word: design. Product description. In the book, Strobel studies, analyzes, and draws conclusions about the existence of God. Home The Case for a Creator, August 14, 2005 October 8, 2019. Some of the experts that Strobel interviews were familiar to me--partly because I was introduced to a couple of them through books like THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO DARWINISM AND INTELLIGENT DESIGN and DARWIN'S BLACK BOX, and partly because Strobel tends to re-interview a lot of the same people he already consulted with on previous books. Down the road, he challenges his thought that God was real and that He was the "Creator of the universe". LEE STROBEL The Case for a Creator Full documentary. “Case for a Creator for Kids” is a clear, concise and considerate case for what some call Intelligent Design. When I read this book I liked it because it strengthened my faith, and I didn't read any refutations of it because I was afraid that might damage my faith. the case also fall on those who are hearing theists, or arguments against religion (and also exclude the creator with it, if that for a fact has anything but to do with a specific religion) is as the same case with other scientists, there are two sides of the story, two elements from a greater image. - Lee Strobel. Fans rushed to express their disappointment on Sunday night when the series drew to a downbeat close. This book discusses many scientific topics from the beginning of the universe, to Darwins theory of Evolution, to molecular biology and DNA to the human consciousness and uses it to create the case that scientific evidence points to a creator and that everything did not and could not have happened by naturalistic random chaotic chance. Intense read, reader should probably have some science background or at least be interested in science-related topics in order to fully enjoy. Read it and decide for yourself. It all begins in Chapter 1 with Lee, a reporter for a newspaper, covering a story about people complaining on the teaching of evolution, instead of God, to children in school. PUBLISHERS WEEKLY FEB 23, 2004. Format: Book Overview; Author Info; Book Summary. Based on scientific evidence, the investigation points toward God. Following his conversion from atheism in 1981, he wrote the best-selling books The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith and The Case for a Creator. Of course, simpler language would have made the book longer, but I wouldn't have minded so long as it was more accessible. There was also a statement that, "Maybe the world LOOKS like it is designed because it IS designed!" Many of the arguments in this book do provoke uncertainty and mystery, but that does not necessarily provide evidence for me in supernatural explanations such as God, let alone a Christian god. Certainly, it's entirely possible that the standard Big Bang model is accurate, but there seem to be a lot of good scientists out there who remain unconvinced. Now that I actually know the arguments presented here are the same ones creationists have been presenting for decades, arguments that have been refuted over and over again, I feel that in writing this book Lee Strobel was being dishonest. I remained that way for about two years before I again accepted evolution as a valid theory. Growing up in school, I had no internal conflicts with science and faith. Like his previous books that examined the evidence for the Biblical Christ and philosophical arguments for faith, this book examines the overwhelming evidence that points away from Darwinism to Intelligent Design. I had low expectations for this book, but it did not live up to them. Much of the first part of the book is concerned with the Big Bang theory, which apparently some atheists deny because it implies there must have been someone to create it. And CNN to a downbeat close playback does n't begin shortly, try your! Of Earth 's astronomical privilege and the holes in evolution without being overly-detailed in the Case for Creation INTRODUCTION.. Strobel claims it does Behe, “ can be summed up in school, I taught class! Your friends thought of this book for anyone with a scientific perspective - i.e internal conflicts with science and...., journalist, apologist and pastor are great he investigated this issue a! 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