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Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengelolaan keuangan daerah memiliki hubungan yang positif tetapi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan daerah, sedangkan sistem akuntansi keuangan daerah berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah. Data collection is done by survey method through questionnaires distributed to respondents who are in finance or accounting, The balance sheets of lenders, sponsors, servicers, managers, and investors in structured finance transactions are likely to change as a result of the accounting amendments recently issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Liquidity 7. Financial analysis of a company may be performed for a variety of reasons, such as valuing equity securities, assessing credit risk, conducting due diligence related to an acquisition, or assessing a subsidiarys performance. The result of the research shows that the management of regional finance has positive correlation but it has no significant effect to the quality of local financial report, while the financial accounting system has significant effect on the quality of local government financial report. Several techniques are commonly used as part of financial statement analysis. may not be the controlling parties; therefore, a consolidation model is provided to identify the controlling party. MARACAIBO-VENEZUELA. Tools and techniques of financial statements analysis. 746-778). The financial statements of one financial year should be selected as a base statement and financial items of it should be assigned with value as 100. Technique # 5. V. Then trend ratios of subsequent years financial statements are calculated by applying the following formula: VI. Separate comparative statements are prepared for Profit and Loss Account as Comparative Income Statement and for Balance Sheets. Financial statement analysis use reported financial information to better understand both the risk and profitability of a business. Tabulate the trend ratios for analysis of trend over a period. 3. Principles of Finance, UET Press, Tirana, 251-276. These methods include discriminant analysis, logit or probit analysis, artificial neural networks, survival analysis. A Financial Statement Analysis- Case Study for an Industry 7 assets investments etc. Mustafa, I. A cash flow is "bloodstream" of business and without constant cash flow a company would not be able to function. VERTICAL ANALYSIS Financial statement elements are measured as a percent of the total. Shows a direct proportion between net profit and total assets. More analysis of financial statements. Vertical 2. VIEs are entities in which the equity holders, The objectives of financial reporting are to provide the accounting information to investors,creditors, and other external users conducting the investment or other economic decision. ANSWER: d) All of the above . Comparative Statements. The most common types of financial analysis are: 1. Summary of turnover assets rati, Graphic 4. One purpose of fi-nancial statement analysis is to use the past performance of a company to predict how it will do in the future. Problem in Comparability. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Analysis of Financial Statements, albPAPER, Tirana, 275-338. The result indicate that the decision making based on accountingmeasurement concept generally to be considered to invest and is influenced directly by understandinginvestor/analyst on the accounting measurement concept, length of experience, type offinancial service industry, type of transaction instrument, and characteristic of the job. Xhafa, H. (2005).

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