the last continent antarctica

That is 1,000 metres higher than Banff and Denver. The major difference is that the Magellans have mottled pink and black feet. Pandemic reaches Antarctica, last untouched continent By EVA VERGARA December 22, 2020 GMT Chilean authorities announced that at least 58 people that were at two military bases in Antarctica or on a navy ship that went to the continent tested positive for the new coronavirus. It contains the geographic South Pole and is situated in the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere, almost entirely south of the Antarctic Circle, and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. In 2017, a group of geologists hit the headlines when they announced their discovery of Zealandia –Te Riu-a-Māui in the Māori language. Discover the "Last Continent" in comfort on board new, purpose-built ships. Marta Island, Chile – This island in the Magellan Strait is where South American sea lions as well as some fur seals come to breed in the summer. Alabama families escape minutes before tornadoes strike. Using a Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer to identify and measure down to 5/1,000th of a millimetre, he and his researchers hope to determine the amount of these tiny plastics in the Antarctic waters, as well as trace them back to their source. Chinstrap penguins jump in the air as they swim through the Scotia Sea near to Elephant Island, where 22 of Ernest Shackleton's crew spent four months waiting to be rescued. A COVID outbreak would be even more dangerous in the winter season, when harsh polar storms render medevac flights nearly impossible to perform safely. Download: Antarctica: The frozen continent. Alternate file types, open or download: .pdf .mp4 Version 2 - Antarctica The Last Continent - click to open or download 10.1Mb - 64 slides - Same pictures as above, but with simpler text, aimed at students with a lower reading age. At 14,200,000 square kilometres (5,500,000 square miles), it is the fifth-largest continent and nearly twice the size of Australia. This deposit is fully refundable up to to July 30, 2018. In October, the proposal to protect 1.8 million square kilometres was blocked by China and Russia even though China had brokered a deal the previous year to designate a 1.5 million-square-kilometre area in the Ross Sea, on the opposite side of the continent, as off-limits to fishing for 35 years. The Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) and its 30 members are coordinating a major reduction in personnel. It is by far the least populated continent, with around 5,000 people in the summer and around 1,000 in the winter. Antarctica, as a tourist destination is not very well known in many countries of the world, but tourism there is a close encounter with all the elements of nature, the sun, air, water. Expedition cruises to Antarctica from South America. Exclusive photos: A giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, Inside the daring plan to map every coral reef from space. Albatrosses and other seabirds feed in the rich waters where three oceans meet – Atlantic, Pacific and the Southern Ocean. Only emperor penguins, which nest further inland, are bigger. Every year, an estimated 16,000 people visit here. In the bargain … Antarctica is the last continent without COVID-19. By By Alan Solomon. He saw it, but couldn’t reach it because of sea ice. And after reading Ernest Shackleton’s incredible account of putting the lives of his men and himself above the vain-glorious attainment of the South Pole, I wanted to see where they had been. Five things you probably don’t know about the Antarctic. Antarctica.. the Last Continent. Read more about cookies here. Posted on January 31, 2011 by sublimisdeus “Antarctica left a restless longing in my heart beckoning towards an incomprehensible perfection forever beyond the reach of mortal man. Water sampling being done on board Akademik Ioffe for Ocean Wise Conservation Association (aka Vancouver Aquarium). However, program managers say they can’t cancel their seasons entirely. Humpbacks were hunted nearly to extinction in the 20th century but are making a strong comeback since commercial whaling was banned in 1982. Ross, vice-president of research for the Ocean Wise Conservation Association, is one of the world’s leading micro-plastics researchers. Uncertainty around international flights through the hotspot means the German team may have to travel on their supply vessel Polarstern. He never saw Antarctica, but it didn’t stop him from believing. Half a century later, Russian explorer Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen confirmed Antarctica’s existence in 1820. After the end of the Second World War, the British Antarctic Service operated it as a scientific research station until 1962. Scientists travel via planes and ships that are delayed by extreme weather so often, the United States Antarctic Program has a section of its participant guide titled “Be Patient.”. Their tenacious search for help took them across a dangerous passage in an open sailboat and over one of South Georgia's highest mountains. This island in the Magellan Strait is the breeding ground for an estimated 69,000 pairs of Magellan penguins. Over two million baleen whales have been killed in the Southern Ocean — along with more than 725,000 fin whales, over 360,000 blue whales and another 250,000 or so humpbacks. But it doesn’t mean that many of those animals aren’t at risk. As the last continent to be discovered, Antarctica remains a mysterious, mystical and spectacularly beautiful place that often turns adventurers and rational scientists into poets when they are asked to describe it. Polar explorer Sir Douglas Mawson called Antarctica an “accursed country,” while Robert Falcon Scott, the second man to reach the South Pole, famously wrote, "Great God! 2016 by Liggett, Daniela, Storey, Bryan, Cook, Yvonne, Meduna, Veronika (ISBN: 9783319189468) from Amazon's Book Store. Because Canada has no permanent research station and no formal Antarctic research plan, it is only a non-consultative member to the treaty and not at the table when governance, sovereignty, resource exploration, wildlife protection, tourism or the effects of climate change are discussed. According to Polar Knowledge Canada, the Southern Ocean is warming at twice the rate of the global ocean, having absorbed over 65 per cent of the heat associated with global warming and taken up to half of the ocean uptake of anthropogenic carbon. Three Glaciers Retreat. One spectacular example came in July when one of the 10 largest icebergs in history calved off the Larsen ice shelf and into the sea. Postcard from Antarctica — the last coronavirus-free continent. Daphne is visiting Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands. Antarctica, the coldest, most unknown, and last continent on Earth that many people ever think of visiting. A vast, frozen desert punctuated by volcanoes and mountain ranges, its highest peak — Mount Vinson — was only discovered in 1957. These are one of several species of penguins that live in temperate regions and never venture into the ice and snow of Antarctica. With Donald Sutherland. Buy The Last Continent: Discovering Antarctica by Stonehouse, Bernard (ISBN: 9789622176638) from Amazon's Book Store. The United States will still fly through Christchurch, New Zealand, where they regularly complete pre-departure training and are outfitted with cold weather gear before continuing to McMurdo and Scott Base with the New Zealand team. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. A close cousin to Magellan penguins are the South African or black-footed penguins that are at the Vancouver Aquarium. How did we get here -- and what will happen as climate change continues to threaten this pristine land and the creatures that call it home? Kings are 60 to 94 centimetres tall. Up until 1969, the U.S. Navy refused to transport female scientists to the continent, and the U.S. National Science Foundation refused to allow women to work there. Daphne is visiting Salisbury Plain, South Georgia. “We’ll build and aim for a full season with as much science undertaking as we can, and then be prepared to change our plans just like we have this year.”, As critical as Antarctic climate research is to the health of the planet, the health of the scientists and staff comes first, Wesche adds. Antarctic programs expect some degree of disruption every year from storms, sea ice, and mechanical issues in remote places, but they’ve never cancelled projects on this scale before. The convergence of the southern seas with Atlantic and Pacific oceans makes the Antarctic a rich feeding ground for marine mammals, from the biggest (blue whales) to the smallest and everything in between, including the mythic albatross and adorable penguins. There is a move to set aside a conservation area about twice the size of British Columbia in the Weddell Sea off the Antarctic Peninsula to protect marine mammals, fish, penguins and seabirds. Everyone on the continent will be presumed virus-free unless they exhibit symptoms, in which case they will be isolated, tested, and if positive, medevacked off the continent. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. The beach masters – alpha males – guard their stretch of the shoreline and protect their harems from other male intruders. At 8 am today the ship was to start crossing the Neptune’s Bellows, another beautiful passage, on way to the Deception Island. It begins with lectures. A whale's skull, a remnant of the 20th century whale hunt lies in the grass at Grytzviken, South Georgia. Any shoes or boots that are going ashore must be scrubbed and dipped in biocide and left to dry. Postmedia columnist Daphne Bramham crosses the notoriously rough Drake Passage from the Falkland Islands to South Georgia — known as the Serengeti of the Southern Ocean — to Antarctica. There was to be the issue of rubber boots some time around noon followed by mandatory IAATO (International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators) & Zodiac (rubber dinghies) operations briefings to prepare for our arrival at Antarctica … This deposit is fully refundable up to to August 20, 2018. Science can be a slow game of incremental changes, and these measurements from more than 60 years ago allow researchers to see longer-term trends in the data. A mountain is named after her. However, the effects of Global Warming are beginning to change that beautiful landscape that has remained isolated from human interference for thousands of years – no evidence of an indigenous species has ever been uncovered in Antarctica. The COVID-19 pandemic in Antarctica is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).Due to its remoteness and sparse population, Antarctica was the last continent to have confirmed cases of COVID-19 and was one of the last regions of the world affected directly by the pandemic. Getting ready to disembark on South Georgia Island, requires following strict protocols for ensuring that no seeds, pathogens or penguin guano from another island are left on clothing, bags or shoes. There was more morning time than usual but I … But when an ice shelf collapsed in the Ross Sea on the other side of the Antarctic, it had devastating effects on an Adelie penguin colony. West Antarctica has warmed by more than 0.1 °C/decade in the last 50 years, and this warming is strongest in winter and spring. Directed by Michael Tobias. The remote continent is also crucial to understanding changes across our entire planet. Animals have always drawn people to the far south, whether they are whalers, researchers or, today, an increasing number of tourists. “For all nations working in Antarctica, it is the main goal to keep the virus off the ice,” says Christine Wesche, logistics coordinator at Germany’s Antarctic program. Antarctica was truly the last continent to be discovered, but, it was always suspected that it existed, … Isolation at the extreme: spending winter in Earth's most ina... Algae is turning coastal Antarctica red and green – and it co... Why COVID-19 will end up harming the environment. Their "Mohawk" haircuts are the remnants of the down that they must shed before they get their waterproofed feathers. The rusted beams of a former whale processing plant are silhouetted against a glacier at Grytzviken, South Georgia. Antarctica is Earth's southernmost continent. Antarctica, the Last Continent (Day 5) – Lemaire, Dorian & Leon Channels Bucket List | August 13, 2020 Didn’t sleep too well last night. More recently, Britain had to make a choice about what to do with the base because under the Antarctic Treaty's environmental protocol, it either had to be buildings or rebuilt, restored and maintained. ELSEHUL BAY, South Georgia – These moulting sea lions will stay here on this island in the Antarctic region for several weeks as they get a whole new outer skin. Perhaps the most remote, luxurious and pristine private camp in Antarctica. “On the contrary, I am of the opinion that there is.”. Antarctica, the Last Continent (Day 7) – Neptune’s Bellows & Deception Island. I’ll also be writing about the animals I see, the experts and others I meet along the way, and about ice and snow and what it means for sea level rise close to home. The Antarctic has long been a figment of my imagination as well. Though hostile it is acknowledged as the world's last great wilderness and has fascinated scientists, photographers and geologists alike for many years. PUNTA ARENAS, Chile — A continent at the bottom of the Southern Hemisphere was first imagined in the 2nd century as a counterbalance to the Arctic. Covid-19 Reaches Antarctica, the Last Continent to Succumb to the Virus. Station buildings, therefore, need human intervention to keep water and sewage plants running and to prevent hazards such as fuel leaks and fires. “That there may be a continent or a large tract of land near the (south) pole, I will not deny,” he wrote in his diary. While penguins may all look and sound alike to us, each has a unique voice. It wasn’t until 1822 that American sealer and explorer John Davis and his crew became the first known to have landed there. The station was taken over by the British government in 1944 as part of its secret plan to assert sovereignty over Antarctica. Daphne is visiting Salisbury Plain, South Georgia. (. Slumping glaciers and sea ice appear to engulf the Akademik Ioffe on a sunny summer day in February, Fournier Bay, Antarctica. The peaks of Elephant Island pokes through the fog. Until their new skin and fur grows in, they can't go in the water because they're no longer waterproof. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. ... have imagined that she would now be cut off from it all in Antarctica, the only continent so far to escape the grip of the virus. In addition to direct human interventions, climate change is affecting this region more than anywhere else. A particular culprit for carrying tiny bits is Velcro. Warming seawater melts them from below, while warmer air temperatures melt them from above. SANTIAGO: The coronavirus has landed in Antarctica, the last continent previously free from COVID-19, Chile`s military said this week, as health and army officials scrambled to clear out and quarantine staff from a remote research station surrounded by ocean and icebergs. It hops up the rocks from the sea using its clawed feet to feed the chicks that are now almost fully fledged. This is an awful place.” One hundred years after their expeditions, very little has changed. According to a 2009 study, the continent-wide average surface temperature trend of Antarctica is positive and significant at >0.05 °C/decade since 1957. Even now that I am finally setting off to see it, I still have whimsical, medieval moments where I imagine that I might find myself clinging by my toes, upside down, to the bottom of the world in order to not fly off into the universe. The sled dogs used by explorer Ernest Shackleton on his ill-fated Trans-Antarctic expedition in 1915 on the SS Endurance were bred and trained in Gimli, Man. Competitors traverse up to 250 km / 155 miles across the largest desert in the world which is often referred to as the "White Desert". The busy summer season in Antarctica begins in October and runs through February, when thousands of scientists from dozens of countries usually pack into the continent’s remote research stations. © 2021 Vancouver Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. Maintenance is scheduled during the milder weather of the austral summer, which is the only time outposts can be resupplied for the winter. Chilean authorities announced that at least 58 people that were at two military bases in Antarctica or on a navy ship that went to the continent tested positive for the … All rights reserved, France and Italy’s Concordia research facility. Approximately 61 percent of all fresh water on the Earth is held in the Antarctic … Monitoring Desk SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — The pandemic has finally reached every continent on Earth. Antarctica is the last continent without COVID-19. GRYTZVIKEN, South Georgia (Feb. 8, 2018) – The Petrel is one of the abandoned whaling ships that line the shore of Grytzviken, South Georgia. Scientists working on Antarctica scan the stars with telescopes, search for fundamental particles, and study some of the most remarkable animals in the world. Scientists want to keep it that way. Scientists want to keep it that way. At New Zealand’s Scott Base, the oldest collections date back to when the facility was established in 1957. A deposit of $1,750 per person is required to hold space on this The Last Continent: Antarctica. The research and expedition vessel, the Akademik Ioffe. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. King penguin chicks have shaggy brown coats that they shed in clumps before they get into the water for the first time. Check out all of Antarctica’s Geographical facts and figures. The Last Desert in Antarctica is one of the most incredible journeys in the world. In January, Greenpeace launched a global campaign in support of the European Union’s sanctuary proposal to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. The song, Yankee Doodle, makes reference to them – "he stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni.". These datasets from weather stations, ecological surveys, and moorings in the water help scientists track the variability of the Antarctic climate. Please try again. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. SALISBURY PLAIN, South Georgia – A mating pair of king penguins do their ritual dance. The next issue of Vancouver Sun Headline News will soon be in your inbox. Buy Exploring the Last Continent: An Introduction to Antarctica 1st ed. I longed to see the albatross that so bedeviled the Ancient Mariner. Forty permanent bases dot the desolate landscape, a number that nearly doubles when summer-only facilities resume operations. In 1921, British whalers established a base at Port Lockroy – nearly 280 kilometres north of the Antarctic Circle. by John Isfeld. So, it needs to be gone over with a wire brush or vacuumed. Version 1 - Antarctica The Last Continent - click to open or download 10.1Mb - 64 slides - Suitable for students from about age 13 to 16. Antarctica, the Last Continent (Days 6, 7 & 8) – The Return Voyage January 23, 2021; Antarctica, the Last Continent (Day 7) – Neptune’s Bellows & Deception Island January 17, 2021; Antarctica, the Last Continent (Day 6) – Fergusson Channel & Paradise Bay January 9, 2021 A leopard seal grabs an Adelie penguin in the water at Hope Bay in Antarctica. So, they're easy enough to find because you can hear their calls from many kilometres away and, depending on the direction of the wind, you can often smell them a great distance as well. Climate scientists study ancient air bubbles trapped in the ice to understand Earth’s history, and they monitor the melting ice sheet and warming Southern Ocean to forecast the planet’s possible future. Icebergs, scientists, seasickness, penguin poo: Its all part of an Antarctica expedition where you actually get to go ashore This is now a part of history never to be repeated as dogs were banished from Antarctica under the Antarctic Treaty in 1994. Reservations for “The Last Continent: Antarctica!” are extremely limited and are accepted on a first come basis. Covid-19 has finally reached Antarctica, making it the last continent to be affected by the pandemic. It takes 14 months for a pair to raise a chick. Chilean authorities announced that at least 58 people that were at two military bases in Antarctica or on a navy ship that went to the continent tested positive for the … PARADISE BAY, Antarctica – Water cascades down from an iceberg in the waters off the Antarctic Peninsula of Paradise Bay where minke and humpback whales, penguins and seals are all feeding on krill in advance of the coming winter. Today it's a world of scientific possibility. This was once the largest and busiest processing plant on the island. The reason for the care that's being taken is so that elephant seals like this one won't be infected or affected by anything from somewhere else. But for nearly three centuries, Terra Australis Incognita remained purely speculative. Monitoring Desk SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — The pandemic has finally reached every continent on Earth. The coronavirus is mutating—but what determines how quickly? A person sits near a colony of gentoo penguins, Pygoscelis papua, next to an old research shed. This year, patience alone won’t be enough. Directed by Jean Lemire. But, this part of Antarctica that is most affected by climate change with lower annual sea ice and a faster retreat of glaciers than other parts of the continent. Daphne is at Cooper Harbour, South Georgia. Surrounded by the roughest and most dangerous seas, few places on Earth are farther from Canada. Copyright © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society. The history of Antarctica emerges from early Western theories of a vast continent, known as Terra Australis, believed to exist in the far south of the globe.The term Antarctic, referring to the opposite of the Arctic Circle, was coined by Marinus of Tyre in the 2nd century AD.. The seventh continent had finally been proven without a doubt at last. Unlike other penguins, the elegant kings live in large, permanent rookeries or colonies throughout the year. It covers about 98% of the Antarctic continent and is the largest single mass of ice on Earth. PARADISE BAY, Antarctica – A leopard seal yawns and bares its teeth in a ghoulish grin while taking a rest from preying on penguins at Paradise Bay, Antarctica. Journey with the world's #1 cruise line. If you don't see it please check your junk folder. But now there are growing concerns about the commercial fishing of other species, which is damaging the rich stock of krill — a small shrimp-like crustacean that is the primary food source for baleen whales, penguins and other wildlife. Leaving the bases empty—or worse, being forced to evacuate them—would be more complicated than a regular season. Some are well-known — Shackleton, Robert F. Scott, Roald Amundsen, Edmund Hillary and Robert Swan. So, there are nesting pairs, fledglings and mating penguins all along the shore and up into the plain itself. Her bones mark the start of human activity on Antarctica, and the unavoidable loss of life that comes with trying to occupy this inhospitable continent. Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and driest continent. It is the emptiest and coldest place on Earth, with a recorded low of -89.2 degrees, and the only continent with no permanent human settlements other than the research stations that are mainly clustered along its coast. The following day, he became the first explorer to ever lay eyes on the unknown continent - an honour denied him due to incorrect translation of his journal. The seals grab them by the necks in the water and then slam them against the surface to flay the skin off them before eating them. Some can be as large as half a million birds. The two countries are working on a quarantine and testing strategy to keep COVID-19 out of Christchurch when the U.S. passes through. Most Antarctic bases are located on the vast coastline rather than inland like Concordia, but even these are difficult to reach. The Last Desert is the only multi-day race on the Antarctic continent. Anyone going ashore must also sign a document saying that they are not bringing anything with them. But most of these scientists will have to do this work away from the continent this season, relying on remote sensors and the large volumes of data and samples collected in previous years. Canada signed on to the Antarctic Treaty in 1988. Most international collaborations, new experiments, and fieldwork such as tagging penguins and collecting samples have been paused. Here are some tidbits on the southern continent throughout the ages. Reservations for “The Last Continent: Antarctica!” are extremely limited and are accepted on a first come basis. After this time, Gondwana slowly split apart to create Antarctica as a separate continent, and Antarctica has gradually moved away from the other southern continents towards its present polar position. Every year, an estimated 16,000 people visit here. The Last Continent: Antarctica! I’m still tired … But exactly how to accomplish that goal remains in flux, as programs navigate many moving parts. Buenos Aires, Drake Passage, Deception Island, Cuverville Island, Wilhelmina Bay and Paradise Harbor onboard Hurtigruten’s MS Midnatsol February 3 - 17, 2019 15 Day - 13 Night Cruise/Tour The first expedition to reach the geographic South Pole was led by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen in 1911. The United States hasn’t shared their adjusted team size, but recent press releases say the number of people they can safely deploy is “limited.”. A blizzard of birds – mostly cape petrels -- swoops and swirls just off the island in the Antarctic region where they come along with elephant seals, fur seals, king penguins and macaroni penguins to feed on plankton and krill. All of the programs will cut their teams by varying degrees—Australia and Germany by 50 percent and New Zealand by 66 percent, for example. This was our 2nd day into the Drake Passage & there wasn’t much lined up in terms of activities. In 1773, Captain James Cook circumnavigated the Antarctic Circle, going farther south than any Europeans before him. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. HOPE BAY, Antarctica – A clutch of Adelie penguin chicks have grown up enough that they now have to fend for themselves and can no longer rely on their parents to feed them. The last continent to be imagined, Antarctica was also the last to be discovered. From the PBS NewsHour, an original four-part series on Antarct… Antarctica is the last continent without COVID-19. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. Narrated by Donald Sutherland, this thrilling, feature-length documentary chronicles the brave group of scientists on board the Sedna IV as they explore the Earth's most fascinating and isolated continent. The station was taken over by the British government in 1944 as part of its secret plan to assert sovereignty over Antarctica. Antarctica is the last great wilderness on Earth, far away from the troubles of modern civilisation thousands of miles away. Copyright © 2015-2016 National Geographic Partners, LLC. But scientists believe the collapse of the ice shelves may contribute to sea-level rise because they act as barriers to underground river water and advancing glaciers reaching the ocean. So, they fast even though they are feeding pups that must grow quickly if they are to survive when winter comes. The International Space Station orbits 220 miles above Earth, while the most remote base on Antarctica—France and Italy’s Concordia research facility—is about 350 miles from its nearest neighbour and over 600 miles from the closest source of supplies on the coast. The harpoon gun is still on the bow of the ship. We encountered an issue signing you up. Uniquely, it remains the only landmass that humans have yet to exploit for its resources. Of the 18 species of penguins, 11 are endangered. In late afternoon when the parents return with food from the sea, it's a squawking, raucous place to be as the starving chicks try to get food from any returning adult. Perhaps it was just too good to be true, the remote, pristine and icy white continent, holding out to the end, as the last place on earth with no Corona Virus. The last continent to be imagined, Antarctica was also the last to be discovered. Tens of thousands of king penguins occupy the rockery at Salisbury Plain, South Georgia throughout the year. Today it’s a world of scientific possibility. Barely an idea humpbacks were hunted nearly to extinction in the TRIPS o # ce or! Delivery on eligible orders seas, few places on Earth during the milder of... A close cousin to Magellan penguins Guidelines for more information and details on how accomplish! Clawed feet to feed the chicks that are going ashore must also sign a document saying that they in! As 650 A.D those animals aren ’ t much lined up in terms of.! 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Whaling in the TRIPS o # ce on or before August 20, 2018 the gaps your... From Canada century have severely impacted both the wildlife and the Southern Ocean threatened... Having killed an Adelie penguin chick at hope Bay in Antarctica the winter community cope, South Georgia is a. Continent on Earth, far away from the troubles of modern civilisation thousands of miles away nearly 1,000 higher. Only time outposts can be as large as half a million birds and them.

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