how brainwashing works

Good! Someone with conflicting opinions can easily be framed as not just wrong or mistaken, but evil. This means that the victim has to be broken down, so the brainwasher can rebuild the victim in his or her image. The Chinese brainwashers were keen to restrict sleep. Certainly the kind of apology demands, public shaming, and ‘confessions’ we sometimes see among the Twitterati would fit in quite well with classical Chinese thought reform. ­Another "insanity by brainwashing" defense hit the courtroom ­30 years later, when Lee Boyd Malvo stood trial for his role in the 2002 sniper attacks in and around Washington, D.C. The enforced poking and slapping from his cellmates and the interrogations continued unabated.6 He became delusional, and his infected legs and lack of sleep meant that he kept contradicting his own ‘confession’, which his captors didn’t like. Approximately 16 hours of sleep over 4 weeks! Brainwashing entails: (1) Isolation from the familiar, inclusive of, but not limited to colleagues, family, or the environment, 2) Absolute submission, and (3) A rigid system of reward and punishment in terms of obedience and unwillingness to cooperate, respectively. It is well recognized as a war crime and is deemed impermissible according to the Geneva Conventions. And many people who lose their jobs (and sometimes even the potential for future work) over online activity may have behaved terribly. Likewise, many psychologists believe that large-scale brainwashing -- via the mass media and subliminal messages, for instance -- is not possible, because the thought-reform process requires isolation and absolute dependence of the subject in order to be effective. This time he was beaten for several hours, mainly on his back, causing multiple fractures to the bones., "Brainwashing." Perhaps ones that were perfectly reasonable, such as “American policy isn’t always perfect.” Then, bit by bit, the captured servicemen were induced to become increasingly black-or-white in their pro-Communist, anti-Western sentiments. It gets to the very nature of humanity: Are we all ultimately reducible to puppets? The Lee Boyd Malvo Case 7. Conspiracy theories associated with organizational brainwashing maintain that corporations intentionally set out to turn their employees into brainless worker-bee zombies who do little more than work hard, promote the company mission and defer to … Combined with hypnosis techniques, a brain implant might be all that's needed to control a human being's thoughts, actions and beliefs. Brainwashing is a process by which a person or group uses underhand methods to persuade others to the will of the person who is manipulating them. ­­Dur­ing the Korean War, Korean and Chinese captors reportedly brainwashed American POWs held in prison camps. Eventually, after years in captivity, his ‘confession’ was finally accepted and he was released, on the condition that he leave China. There are all sorts of tried-and-true techniques that anyone can use to bypass the thinking part of your brain and flip a switch deep inside that says "OBEY." But within totalitarian societies, people can be made vulnerable by force. Unless we give ourselves space and calm to reflect without a constant desire to check, see, or emote, we will never have the chance to actually consider the ideas we are being presented with. At least 21 soldiers refused to come back to the United… We can roughly divide the process Lifton identified into three stages: breaking down the self, introducing the possibility of salvation, and rebuilding the self. Because brainwashing is such an invasive form of influence, it requires the complete isolation and dependency of the subject, which is why you mostly hear of brainwashing occurring in prison camps or totalist cults. U.S. Sure enough, many of the characteristics of Chinese brainwashing can be found online. ChangingMinds. In the brainwashing process, the agent systematically breaks down the target's identity to the point that it doesn't work anymore. The 17-year-old Malvo and 42-year-old John Allen Muhammad killed 10 people a­nd wounded three in a killing spree. What is brainwashing? Copyright © 2021 Uncommon Knowledge Ltd, All Rights Reserved,,,,,, Dependence on a virtuous or infallible leader, Elevating membership of the in-group (the “chosen people”), Restricting access to outside influences to control the milieu, Breaking reality down into simplistic, all-or-nothing precepts: good versus evil; “if you’re not with us you’re against us.”. He may criticize the target for everything from the "evilness" of his beliefs to the way he eats too slowly. See: Winn, D. (2017). The manipulated mind: Brainwashing, conditioning and indoctrination. The brainwashing technique requires that the abuser behave especially nice or allow you temporary freedoms for being “good”. The defense claimed that Hearst was brainwashed by the SLA and would not have committed the crime otherwise. These needs were exploited by the Chinese Communists, and they continue to be exploited today in the online environment. To learn more about how language can be used to change minds, read more about our online course Uncommon Hypnotherapy. May 5, 2004. Cult leaders such as Jim Jones, who led 918 followers – 304 of them children – to mass suicide and murder in his jungle commune at Jonestown, preyed on the vulnerable. It’s frustrating to see it happen to a person you care about. they must conversate, even one word would work! So in a sense technology has made thought control easier in China – not that it’s stopped the Chinese government from continuing to imprison up to three million imprisoned Uyghur moslems in their compulsory, ‘re-education’ establishments. The agent denies everything that makes the target who he is: "You are not a soldier." Although the internet should and can expose us to multiple viewpoints, if we tend to seek out online material that simply confirms our own ideologies (and this is quite a natural human behaviour) then our biases and beliefs tend to be reinforced. Assault on identity: You are not who you think you are. The military also teaches soldiers about the methods used in brainwashing, because a target's knowledge of the process tends to make it less effective. See: Deikman, A. J. The Nazis had no interest in brainwashing their prisoners to the ethos of their creed. 10 Far-out Charismatic Leaders (and the Trouble They Caused). I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. This creates something of a blank slate that lets the agent fill in the blanks: He can attach that guilt, that sense of "wrongness," to whatever he wants. I think “brainwashing” hogwash, despite depictions projected by, suffered by Jack Bauer (24 Hours) and real-world examples from a prison in Iraq, (wo)manned by US Citizen Soldiers. Persuasion, on the other hand, aims for a change in attitude, or "Do it because it'll make you feel good/happy/healthy/successful." The protagonist in George Orwell's "1984" undergoes a classic case of brainwashing that ends with the famous concession to his tormentors: "two plus two equals five." Hearst was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in prison. Thirty-five years ago I attended a lecture in London by the late and great Dr Arthur Deikman. The target is made to feel that it is he who must choose between old and new, giving the target the sense that his fate is in his own hands. Thought reform and the psychology of totalism: A study of “brainwashing” in China. Anyway, here are those screen shots. Several prisoners ultimately confessed to waging germ warfare -- which they hadn't -- and pledged allegiance to communism by th­e end of their captivity. Knowledge is power, and we have been warned. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target's current environment. The servicemen had been the unwilling victims of insidious psychological mind-control techniques. Harper Business. Traditionally brainwashing was a highly invasive form of control and influence. This betrayal of his own beliefs and of people he feels a sense of loyalty to increases the shame and loss of identity the target is already experiencing. During the Korean War, Korean and Chinese captors reportedly brainwashed American POWs held in prison camps. Photo courtesy Davis Turner/AFP/ Getty Images. Many of us, if we are honest, have a drive to feel superior to some other group, be it Republicans, Democrats, religious people, non-religious people… ad infinitum. It involves the target psychologically removing himself from his actual surroundings through visualization, the constant repetition of a mantra and various other meditative techniques. Parents who were horrified by their children's new beliefs and activities were sure they'd been brainwashed by a "cult." This is where it all starts. Brainwashing involves changing a person in almost every way. Share Share Tweet Email. But the effects of thought reform lasted far longer than his physical injuries. This can be done through mental, emotional, or ultimately physical means for long enough to physical and emotionally wear down the target. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for My Hero Academia Season 5, Episode 4, "Make It Happen, Shinso!" A totalitarian society will seek to exclusively control the completion of these needs, as will a controlling romantic partner. Whatever the cause, people seem to distinguish between brainwashing now and brainwashing in the future, the latter of which appears to be the more fearsome of the two. Thought reform, p. 42. And unlike the prisoners of the Chinese regime, we can voluntarily free ourselves. Brainwashing is implied to not work on non-living entities, which can justify Hitoshi's failure in the U.A. ChangingMinds: Lifton's Brainwashing Processes. Brainwashing is a severe form of social influence that combine­s all of these approaches to cause changes in someone's way of thinking without that person's consent and often against his will. In the brainwashing process, the agent systematically breaks down the target's identity to the point that it doesn't work anymore. How can the ‘wrongdoer’ make amends if apologies aren’t enough?, "Schein's stages of conversion." (See How Cults Work: Indoctrination for details on the thought-reform process that takes place specifically in destructive cults.). Brainwashing is perhaps best known in the context of prisoners, war criminals, cults and more recently, child custody cases. It can seem no matter how hard you try to help nothing works. (2006). The term "brainwashing" was first used in English by Edward Hunter in … In psychology, the study of brainwashing, often referred to as thought reform, falls into the sphere of "social influence." Someone is said to be brainwashed when their mind is controlled or altered by force, changing what they believe, think,  value and do. But what on earth has all this got to do with our interconnected, enlightened times? As in Soviet Russia, civilian prisoners were either worked to death or simply murdered. "Is brainwashing possible?" Cult leaders target the emotionally vulnerable. The brainwashing juggernaut solves its crisis by a selective and interpretive approach to the truth, which it deems more important than simply blocking information. Believing whatever the supplier of my emotional needs requires me to believe may seem like a small price to pay. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target's current environment. Read more Uncommon Philosophy therapy techniques », Free therapy techniques from Uncommon Knowledge, How Brainwashing Works (and is Working on You). As well as controlling the environment (Chinese students were prohibited from ever leaving campus grounds during the more fanatical communist ideological indoctrination waves4), the Chinese Communists used other means to control and shape beliefs. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. The victims of Chinese thought reform were often bombarded with stimulation – for example, people continually shouting at them, demanding their attention at all times. Often, just as in Chinese thought reform, the apology/confession is not enough. And when this vulnerability is forced upon them, they become more susceptible to ‘thought reform’. We are, many of us, prone to shame, guilt, and the need to please others and fit in. Brainwashing doesn't take any sci-fi gadgetry or Manchurian Candidate hypnotism bullshit. Updated: Apr 1, 2021. ­­Leniency: I can help you. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. Online reality can so easily be reduced to binary: all or nothing, black or white. Back in his cell he was also made to stand as he was harangued, hectored, and generally yelled at by six other inmates who were tasked with wearing him down. Modern literature and film use the brainwashing scenario pretty liberally. ChangingMinds. One of the exercises in the book says to hold two different views from opposite sides in your head. Maybe it's the "it could never happen to me" reaction, or maybe it's just a general reluctance to absolve a criminal of responsibility for his or her crime. ­While most psychologists believe that brainwashing is possible under the right conditions, some see it as improbable or at least as a less severe form of influence than the media portrays it to be. Beliefs, thinking strategies, decision making priorities and emotions are controlled by the manipulator which results in a different world view, different values, different morals and different behavior., "Lifton's Brainwashing Processes." ­In 19­29, Mao Tse-tung, who would later lead the Chinese Communist Party, used the phrase ssu-hsiang tou-cheng (translated as "thought struggle") to describe a process of brainwashing. There is often the presence or constant threat of physical harm, which adds to the target's difficulty in thinking critically and independently. Arthur Koestler’s novel Darkness at Noon, based on the experiences of people he knew who had been imprisoned by Russian communists during the so-called Moscow show trials, brilliantly describes sleep deprivation as a way of ripening the mind of the victim for manipulation by the Soviet state. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target's current environment. Excessive use of the internet does seem to cut into sleep time for many people.11 The resulting sleep deprivation can numb or even disable the part of the mind that helps us check our impressions of validity. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses. So these are some of the subtle and not so-subtle forms of belief manipulation. He isolated Malvo, steeped him to his own idiosyncratic, vitriolic brand of Islam and imposed a strict diet and exercise regimen on his "adopted" son. In fact, often it was the most ideologically righteous who would suddenly be denounced and subjected to witch hunts. Malor Books. As Robert Cialdini rightly pointed out, we all need to have a sense that our actions and beliefs are consistent.3. It was used to explain how totalitarian regimes were able to completely indoctrinate American soldiers through a process of torture and propaganda. The defense claimed that the teenaged Malvo was brainwashed by Muhammad into committing the crimes, which he would not have committed if he weren't under Muhammad's control. An army veteran, Muhammad filled the teen's head with visions of an impending race war and trained Malvo in marksmanship., "Sniper Malvo sentenced to life without parole." "Brainwashing," by Lorenzo St. Dubois "Derailing Democracy," by David McGowan "20th Century Brainwashing and what's hidden in the Microsoft Logo," by Dr. Lechnar "Subliminal Advertising," by Dr. Wilson Bryan Keys Various Internet sources, i.e. Photo courtesy Keystone/Consolidated News Pictures/Getty Images. Certain personality traits of the brainwashing targets can determine the effectiveness of the process. How Brainwashing Works. But consider the situation in China, where there is extensive internet censorship and mass surveillance of its citizens. We can resist shaming and demonizing those who hold opposing views, and we can refrain from using the online world as a way to simply meet our need for emotional stimuli or for zealous righteousness. Gradually, his legs became swollen and distended with fluid. So I know how the brainwashing works. Brainwashing is the attempt to change the thoughts and beliefs of another person against their will. Layton explains that, “Brainwashing is a severe form of social influence that combines all of these approaches to cause changes in someone’s way of thinking without that person’s consent and often against his will.” And yet, consider how often you may be subtly influenced by … Several prisoners ultimately confessed to waging germ warfare -- which they hadn't -- and pledged allegiance to communism by th­e end of their captivity. Using electronic devices, such as a megaphone, to transmit or enhance Hitoshi's voice will make the Quirk lose its effect because it converts his voice into an electric signal. And in fact, most POWs in the Korean War were not converted to communism at all, which leads to the question of reliability: Is brainwashing a system that produces similar results across cultures and personality types, or does it hinge primarily on the target's susceptibility to influence? And how could we be brainwashed through our own computer screens? Channeling of guilt: This is why you're in pain.After weeks or months of assault, confusion, breakdown and moments of leniency, the target's guilt has lost all meaning -- he's not sure what he has done wrong, he just knows he is wrong. We look for comments that align with our pre-existing beliefs and demonize anyone whose comments conflict with our ideas. Other definitions rely on "nonphysical coercion and control" as an equally effective means of asserting influence. The contrast between old and new has been established: The old belief system is associated with psychological (and usually physical) agony; and the new belief system is associated with the possibility of escaping that agony. It's just not that easy to change a person's core personality and belief system. In the next section, we'll examine one expert's description of the brainwashing process and find out what makes an easy target. "How Brainwashing Works" But the online world may be inadvertently supplying another feature of Chinese thought reform methods, too. Brainwashing is far much more complex and has been used for controlling populations and taking the country down a certain route for generations., "Introduction to Influence." We can, of course, use the internet without letting it shape who we are and what we believe too radically. The target begins to feel a general sense of shame, that everything he does is wrong. It's the "Just do it" approach. Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology. See: Lifton, R. J. "A Clockwork Orange" (1971) positions institutional brainwashing as an option for violent convicts looking to shorten their sentences, and in 1997's "Conspiracy Theory," a mentally unstable, government-brainwashed assassin seeks to prove that some very powerful people have been tampering with his mind. But the Chinese Communists seemed to genuinely want to ‘help’ their population, and any Western prisoners, to let their old selves die and be reborn as perfect socialist citizens. Muhammad pl­ucked 15-year-old Malvo from the Caribbean island of Antigua, where his mother had abandoned him, and brought him to the U.S. in 2001. Source: How Brainwashing Works And that’s a perspective that’s all too common in cyberspace. The Chinese Communists demanded devout reverence for Mao Zedong. Take a look at the book prometheus rising by Robert anton Wilson., Flora, Carlin. See: Lifton (2012). In other words, it is practically following someone blindly without questions. In 1962's "The Manchurian Candidate," brainwashing produces a robot-like assassin incapable of overriding the control commands he's been programmed with. But most scientists agree that the field of neurology is nowhere close to that level of understanding of the human brain. The pressures of cultish environments that he discussed included: But while the use of these pressures to force conformity is nothing new, I was surprised to hear that the idea of brainwashing, often now called ‘radicalization’, is actually pretty recent. At the time the phenomenon had seemed inexplicable, but now, with this new (and increasingly popular) concept of brainwashing, they had an explanation. Beliefs that have been inculcated through brainwashing don’t come from personal experience or calm reasoning but rather from other people. The future of brainwashing, if Hollywood and the conspiracy theorists are to be trusted, involves much more high-tech approaches. This kind of bombardment with stimuli precludes any time for self-reflection or for assessing the validity of new ideas. Another increasingly common online phenomenon is public shaming and forced apologies. "But such techniques have never actually been found to exist," says Roger Finke, professor of sociology and religious studies at Penn State. (1990). If you’re reading this because you know you’ve experienced brainwashing, then you’ve already conquered the first and hardest step: the awakening. A 2019 report found that the average internet user now spends 6 hours and 42 minutes online each day.7. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features A clear-cut example of media brainwashing target begins to how brainwashing works like God and hand. Complete isolation and highly dependent on his back, causing multiple fractures to the ethos of their.... Are and what we believe too radically have behaved terribly in, the agent denies everything that the... Can the ‘ wrongdoer ’ make amends if apologies aren ’ t come from personal experience or calm reasoning rather. 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