polybius scipio africanus

[16] Scipio was also harmed by some senators' disdain of his ideals, beliefs, and interests in unconventional areas such as Hellenophile tastes in art, luxuries, and philosophies. Though not a "battle," both Polybius and Livy estimate that the death toll in this single attack exceeded 40,000 Carthaginian and Numidian dead, and more captured. Scipio Africanus the Younger Background and early life. Mediolanum Scipio's humanitarian conduct toward prisoners and hostages in Hispania helped in portraying the Romans as liberators as opposed to conquerors. , After the Battle of the Metaurus, Carthaginians Driven From 201, Philip Vainly Claims the Victory At Chios, The Indecisive Battle of Chios Was Followed by Another Off Lade, in Which Philip Was Partly Successful, Philip's Operations in Caria, B.C. Full search The most probable explanation from a strategic standpoint is Scipio's unwillingness to risk being trapped between Hasdrubal's army on one side and one or both of Gisgo's and Mago's armies, both of superior numerical strength. Scipio's great-grandfather, Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, and grandfather Lucius Cornelius Scipio, had both been consuls and censors. In addition, the Sicilian garrison also contained many of the troops who had participated in the Sicilian campaigns of Marcus Claudius Marcellus. Greece 201, Digression on the Merits of the Historians Zeno and Antisthenes of Rhodes, The Battle of Lade According to Zeno and Antisthenes, The Romans Warn Philip Not to Attack Greece, The People of Abydos Resolve to Conquer or Die, The Abydenians Carry Out Their Resolution, Philip Tries to Rouse the Achaeans Against Rome, Philip's Answer to the Rhodians and Attalus, They Agree to Send Envoys to the Roman Senate, Comparison with Philip II and Demosthenes, Decree of the Senate on the Peace with Philip, The Commissioners Make Detailed Arrangements, The Commissioners Carry Word Throughout Greece, Conference Between Roman Legates and Antiochus, Greece: Antiochus and the Aetolians Meet, The Athenians Intercede for the Aetolians, Antiochus Sends an Envoy To Discuss Peace, Scipio Scorns Antiochus's Secret Proposal, Zeuxis and Antipater Sent to Negotiate Peace, Philopoemen Combines What is Right and What is Expedient, The Roman Commissioners Arrive at Ephesus, The Romans Burn Antiochus's Ships at Patara, Egypt Under Ptolemy Epiphanes After the Death of Aristomenes ( Skillful alike in strategy and in tactics, he had also the faculty of inspiring his soldiers with confidence. After the fall of the Gracchi, the house of Caecilius became more prominent; however, the Scipiones maintained their aristocratic lustre, providing the consular general who unsuccessfully prevented Sulla's second march on Rome and Metellus Scipio whose daughter was the last wife of Pompey the Great, and who took over command in the civil war against Julius Caesar after the death of Pompey. This man's fashion lasted until the time of emperor Hadrian and then was revived again by Constantine the Great. It is initially unclear from this … 213, Bolis the Cretan Agrees to Rescue Achaeus, Fall of Utica Shortly before Italy's invasion of Ethiopia, Benito Mussolini commissioned an epic film depicting the exploits of Scipio. [17] The two generals met on a plain between Carthage and Utica on October 19, 202 BC, at the final Battle of Zama. and Carthage Continue to Covet Sardinia and The ability which he is supposed to have possessed is called by the old name, "second sight", and he is supposed to have had prescient dreams in which he saw the future. [18], He often visited the temple of Jupiter and made offerings there. Polybius' account of his friendship with Scipio Aemilianus has generated fierce controversy concerning whether or not there was a 'Scipionic circle'. Enter a Perseus citation to go to another section or work. , and The Roman historian Valerius Maximus, writing in the first century AD, alleged that Scipio Africanus had a weakness for beautiful women, and knowing this, some of his soldiers presented him with a beautiful young woman captured in New Carthage. The article considers that borrowing along with the epistemological transmission of source material in this instance. This work is licensed under a The most significant influence on Scipio’s character was his friendship with the Greek... Military and political achievements. Sparta Scipio is also mentioned in Machiavelli's work The Prince (Chapter XVII "Concerning Cruelty And Clemency, And Whether It Is Better To Be Loved Than Feared"). 218, Aristophanes the Acarnanian Joins Forces with Philip, The Present Philip Compared to his Ancestors, Position of , and Scipio Africanus, also called Scipio Africanus the Elder, Latin Scipio Africanus Major, in full Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, (born 236 bce —died 183 bce, Liternum, Campania [now Patria, Italy]), Roman general noted for his victory over the Carthaginian leader Hannibal in the great Battle of Zama (202 bce), ending the Second Punic War.For his victory he won the surname Africanus (201 bce). [10] In spite of his youth (25 years), his noble demeanour and enthusiastic language had made so great an impression that he was unanimously elected. Cato, as a loyalist of Fabius Maximus, had been sent out as quaestor to Scipio in Sicily circa 204 BC to investigate charges of military indiscipline, corruption, and other offence against Scipio; none of those charges was found true by the tribunes of the plebs accompanying Cato (it may or may not be significant that years later, as censor, Cato degraded Scipio's brother Scipio Asiaticus from the Senate. Scipio was the first Roman general to expand Roman territories outside Italy and islands around the Italian mainland. In 209 BC, Scipio fought his first set piece battle, driving back Hasdrubal Barca from his position at Baecula on the upper Guadalquivir. Evelyn S. Shuckburgh. Scipio's army then marched towards Hannibal's veterans, who had not yet taken part in the battle. Roman losses are uncertain but may have been considerable in light of an effort by the infantry to scale an elevation defended by Carthaginian light infantry. Philip V. Wages War with Attalus, King of Pergamum, and the Rhodians. The Cornelii were one of six major patrician families, along with the gentes Manlia, Fabia, Aemilia, the Claudia, and Valeria, with a record of successful public service in the highest offices extending back at least to the early Roman Republic. Sparta, The Wars in in Iberia, and in fact all the achievements in his life, I think it necessary to direct my readers' attention, to begin with, to his moral and mental qualities. [18], To his political opponents, he was often harsh and arrogant, but towards others singularly gracious and sympathetic. As a speaker he seems to have been no less distinguished than as a soldier. His defeat of Hannibal at Zama paved the way for Carthage's eventual destruction in 146 BC. acommission to invade Africa – in the end Fabius defeated him in the Senate, and Scipio was given only Sicily. New Carthage, Medea and the Palace at and has been proofread to a high level of accuracy. Polybius said, "of all the brilliant exploits performed by Scipio this seems to me the most brilliant and more adventurous." The younger daughter was more famous in history; Cornelia, the young wife of the elderly Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, tribune of the plebs, praetor, then consul 177 (then censor and consul again), became the mother of 12 children, the only surviving sons being the famous Tiberius Gracchus and Gaius Gracchus. Mantinea, Scipio in Peloponnese, Popularity of Philip In the Ticinus, Tiberius Scipio was delighted with the turn which the speaker had with true Carthaginian adroitness given to his answer, and the unexpected flattery it conveyed, because Hannibal had set him apart from the ordinary run of military captains as an incomparable commander. Rome, Investment of and Philip V. in B. C. His cousin also won the election.[9]. His birth year is calculated from statements made by ancient historians (mainly Livy and Polybius) of how old he was when certain events in his life occurred and must have been 236/5 BC, usually stated as circa 236 BC.[3]. Raphael's painting Vision of a Knight is thought to be a depiction of Scipio. He received the name Africanus and a "triumph" in Rome after his destruction of Carthage (146 BC). Disillusioned by the ingratitude of his peers, Scipio left Rome and retired from public life at his villa in Liternum. His strategy, so often reliant upon subtle stratagems, was simple: a massive forward attack by the war elephants would create gaps in the Roman lines, which would be exploited by the infantry, supported by the cavalry. At a later date, some Roman emperors claimed descent from Scipio Africanus. Coincidentally, his great rival Hannibal died in Bithynia in the same year or shortly thereafter, also an exile (albeit far from his native city and not by his own decision), pursued and harassed to the end by Romans such as Titus Quinctius Flamininus. 215, The Necessity of Caution in Dealing with an Enemy, Rome Scipio, already known for his bravery and patriotism, was elected unanimously and the Tribunes abandoned their opposition. Livy frequented the court of Augustus Caesar and was known in the halls of power at the time. In the 2006 television film Hannibal, he is portrayed by British actor Shaun Dingwall, notably at the battles of Cannae and Zama. His main achievements were during the Second Punic War. , and Prusias Treaties, Polyrrhen and Black Sea, Contrast between by Philip, Nature of the Spain The possibility exists that he was returned to Rome and laid to rest there in a still undiscovered crypt. [14] Scipio turned Sicily into a camp for training his army. Spain, Antiochus Moves from Many Roman aristocrats, especially Cato, expected Scipio to raze that city to the ground after his victory. Advocates for Hannibal often claim that his army was mostly Italians pressed into service from southern Italy and that most of his elite veterans (and certainly cavalry) were spent. Half of this their mother paid down at once to their husbands, but left the other half undischarged when she died. Rome Cannae. With his wife Aemilia Paulla (also called Aemilia Tertia), daughter of the consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus who fell at Cannae and sister of another consul Lucius Aemilius Paulus Macedonicus, he had a happy and fruitful marriage. Sparta, Machatas Proposes Foreign War to Quell Domestic Strife, Flow of the line to jump to another position: The Hannibalian War — The Recovery of J.-C., à Linterne en Campanie.Il est connu pour ses campagnes militaires victorieuses contre les Carthaginois en Hispanie, puis la conquête du Nord de l'Afrique. After suffering a major defeat at Cannae, the Roman armies under the direction of Publius Cornelius Scipio (Scipio Africanus) traveled to Africa and prepared for the Battle of Zama. -192, Antiochus in Arabia, B.C. View a map of the most frequently mentioned places in this document. He died probably in 183 BC (the actual year and date of his death is unknown) aged about 53. With the permission from the commissioners, Scipio sailed in 204 BC and landed near Utica. Roman general noted for his victory over the Carthaginian leader Hannibal in the great Battle of Zama (202 BC), ending the Second Punic War. Scipio then allegedly asked the courts why they were concerned about how 3,000 talents had been spent and apparently unconcerned about how 15,000 talents were entering the state coffers (the tribute that Antiochus was paying Rome after his defeat by Lucius). , B. C. His main achievements were during the Second Punic War. The Carthaginians were also preoccupied with revolts in Africa. Scipio's only descendants living through the late Republican period were the descendants of his two daughters, his sons having died without legitimate surviving issue. Scipio Africanus the Younger, also called Scipio Aemilianus, Latin Scipio Africanus Minor, in full Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus (Numantinus), (born 185/184 bc —died 129 bc, Rome), Roman general famed both for his exploits during the Third Punic War (149–146 bc) and for his subjugation of Spain (134–133 bc). The battle was decided by a determined Roman infantry charge up the centre of the Carthaginian position. Scipio realized that the Carthaginian forces—especially the superior Numidian cavalry—would prove decisive against the largely infantry forces of the Roman legions. -205, Treacherous Attempt on the Lives of the Roman Envoys, Hannibal Persuades Carthage to Accept These Terms, The Rhodians Object to Philip's Treatment of Cius, Agathocles Not a Good Example of Mutability of Fortune. changes, storing new additions in a versioning system. Scipio was a man of great intellect and culture who could speak and read Greek, wrote his own memoirs in Greek and became also noted for his introduction of the clean shaven face fashion among the Romans according to the example of Alexander the Great. [citation needed] This high-handed act shamed the prosecution, and it appears that the case against Lucius was dismissed, though Lucius would again be prosecuted, and this time convicted, after the death of Scipio. Scipio's objective was, therefore, to quickly eliminate one of the armies to give him the luxury of dealing with the other two piecemeal. The Roman army was then drawn up in one long line (as opposed to the traditional three lines) in order to match the length of Hannibal's line. 1889. In this way, Scipio created a trained nucleus of cavalry for his African campaign. Carthage, meanwhile, had secured the friendship of the Numidian Syphax, whose advance compelled Scipio to abandon the siege of Utica and dig in on the shore between there and Carthage. After his rapid success in conquering Hispania, and with the idea of striking a blow at Carthage in Africa, Scipio paid a short visit to the Numidian princes Syphax and Massinissa. He received the name Numantinus for his reduction of Spanish Numantia (133 BC). ill. (49.4) at that time Scipio was likely to be eighteen – so, to have already reached manhood. Peloponnese, and of the growth of the commonwealth of Rhodes, I shall add a summary ofmy whole work, concluding by an accountof the expedition of Antiochus Epiphanesagainst Egypt; of the war against Perseus;and the destruction of the Macedonianmonarchy. Of these, Polybius was the closest to Scipio Africanus in age and in connections, but his narrative may be biased by his friendship with Scipio's close relatives and that the primary source of his information about Africanus came from one of his best friends, Gaius Laelius. Rome, Gallic Settlements In the Valley of the Po, Capture of In the year of Scipio's arrival (211 BC),[11] all of Hispania south of the Ebro river was under Carthaginian control. Acts of Hostility Against Macedonia, [27] This episode was frequently depicted by painters of the Renaissance and early modern era as the Continence of Scipio. A Possible Comparison between Scipio Africanus and AlexanderAnother example of this Polybian theme occurs in his initial description of Scipio Africanus. Peloponnese Scipio himself was subsequently (185 BC) accused of having been bribed by Antiochus. Bithynia, The War between Scipio figures prominently in Livy's "Ab urbe condita libri" and is named as an example of a warrior at the end of Book III of Lucretius' De rerum natura. Scipio is also the starting Commander for the Roman civilization in the mobile game Rise of Kingdoms. However, the strength of this belief is evident, even a generation later when his adopted grandson, Publius Aemilianus Scipio, was elected to the consulship from the office of tribune. Scipio is mentioned four times in Dante's Divine Comedy: in "Inferno"—Canto XXXI, in "Purgatorio"—Canto XXIX, and in "Paradiso"—Cantos VI and XXVII. Many of them were so distraught that they charged back into their own lines. Scipio's political enemies, led by Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder, gained ground. It is quite possible that he himself honestly shared this belief. Scipio is also referenced in the Italian national anthem. It is certainly true that some Romans of the day viewed Cato as a representative of the old Romans, and Scipio and his like as Graecophiles). and Scipio Nasica rose to many of the dignities enjoyed by his late father-in-law, and was noted for his staunch (if ultimately futile) opposition to Cato the Censor over the fate of Carthage from about 157 to 149 BC. "The story that Scipio won election both for himself and his brother is intrinsically improbable, and despite the authority of Polybius (10.4–5), has been generally rejected." 205 In 203 BC, he destroyed the combined armies of the Carthaginians and Numidians by approaching by stealth and setting fire to their camp, where the combined army became panicked and fled, when they were mostly killed by Scipio's army. Milton mentions Scipio in Book 9 of Paradise Lost and in Book 3 of Paradise Regained. The Sicilians were quite opposed to this servitude to a foreign occupier (Sicily being under Roman control only since the First Punic War), and protested vigorously. Through Interior Asia, Callisthenes Vague on Alexander's Movements, General Remarks on Timaeus as an Historian, Philip's Treacherous Conduct, B. C. This suggests that it was known that Africanus was not buried inside Rome, and it is possible that his sarcophagus did indeed resemble an altar (although there is no direct evidence for this), given that that of the "founder" of the Scipiones, Scipio Barbatus, which can be found in pride of place in the family tomb, is altar-like in style. Byzantium Historians are roughly equal in their praise and condemnation for this act. Even Plutarch's account of Scipio's life, written much later, has been lost. The resulting infantry clash was fierce and bloody, with neither side achieving local superiority. His interest in a Graecophile lifestyle had tremendous influence on the Roman elite; more than a century later, even the conservative Cato Uticensis (great-grandson of the elder Cato) espoused Greek philosophy. Archaeology has not yet determined the resting place of Scipio Africanus. : Philip V. Called In Against the Aetolians, The First Punic War; Plan of the First Two Books, Misrepresentations of Philinus and Fabius, The Roman Fleet Sails for Livy reports that, as a Roman commissioner to Ephesus following the defeat of Antiochus III, on meeting the exiled Hannibal, Scipio took the opportunity to ask Hannibal's opinion of the "greatest commander," to which Hannibal named Alexander the Great as the first and Pyrrhus as the second. The elder, Cornelia, married her second cousin Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum (son of the consul of 191 BC who was himself son of Scipio's elder paternal uncle Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus). Histories. Join the Alliance, Raid of Aetolians In the Should Have Allied Herself with the Macedonians, Sparta Must Be On Guard Against Attack from Although considered a hero by the Roman people, primarily for his victories against Carthage, Africanus had many opponents, especially Cato the Elder, who hated him deeply. For their father covenanted to give each of his two daughters a marriage portion of fifty talents. translator. Scipio was a member of the Salii, the college of priests of Mars. Now, the Roman law enjoins the payment of money due to women as … - On hearing that Lucius Caecilius Metellus and other young nobles were planning to go overseas to serve some king, Scipio stormed into the meeting, and at sword-point, forced all present to swear that they would not abandon Rome. Much historical criticism has been levelled at his inability to effectively pursue Hasdrubal, who would eventually cross the Alps only to be defeated by Gaius Claudius Nero at the Battle of the Metaurus. Scipio Africanus had two sons. Having served with these men at Cannae, Scipio was well aware that their disgrace was through no fault of their own. Scipio assented to their exemption from service providing they pay for a horse, equipment, and a replacement rider for the Roman army. Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, the elder (237 ... At the same time he had all the virtues of an old-fashioned Roman, according to Polybius and Cicero, the latter of whom gives an appreciation of him in his De republic, in which Scipio is the chief speaker. 'In that case,' replied Hannibal, 'I should say that I surpassed Alexander and Pyrrhus, and all other commanders in the world.' , B. C. Philippopolis, Philip Prepares to Invade with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. [31] The Continence of Scipio, depicting his clemency and sexual restraint after the fall of Carthago Nova, was an even more popular subject. and Byzantium Begins, Byzantium Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus (236/235–183 BC) was a Roman general and later consul who is often regarded as one of the best military commanders and strategists of all time. An XML version of this text is available for download, Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal had meanwhile marched for Italy, and in 206 BC Scipio himself, having secured the Roman occupation of Hispania by the capture of Gades, gave up his command and returned to Rome. Charging the rear of Hannibal's army, they caused what many historians have called the "Roman Cannae". Livy, Book XXVI, Chapter 18 "...declaring himself a candidate, took his station on an eminence from which he could be seen by all.". : Works of Art Taken To Rome, Cleomenes Tries to Take . Aemilia Tertia's marriage to Scipio Africanus took place no later than 215 BC. The young Scipio survived the disastrous battles at Ti… after the Achaeans Take Argos, The Mantineans Turn Over their City to the Lacedaemonians, Fabius Pictor on the Cause of the Punic War, Hannibal Succeeds to Command in Rhodes options are on the right side and top of the page. Coele-Syria, Artabazanes Makes a Treaty with Antiochus, Antiochus Puts his Troops in Winter Quarters, Antiochus Attempts to Complete his Conquest, Forces Available to Antiochus and Ptolemy, Theodotus Attempts to Assassinate Ptolemy, Dispositions For the Battle of 222 [20] It is supposedly in gratitude for this act that Scipio betrothed his youngest daughter Cornelia (then aged about 5) to Gracchus, several decades her senior (however, no contemporaneous references to this event exist; what is known is that Gracchus did marry Cornelia, aged about 18, in 172 BC). He also appears in the Haemimont Games video game Imperivm III: The Great Battles of Rome, Centurion: Defender of Rome,[32] and in the Hannibal at the Gates campaign in Total War: Rome II. In the film, Maximus ruins the re-enactment by leading the gladiators, who are meant to represent Hannibal's forces, to victory over Scipio's legionaries. Définitions de p scipio africanus, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de p scipio africanus, dictionnaire analogique de p scipio africanus (anglais) The Battle of Ilipa (/ ˈ ɪ l ɪ p ə /) was an engagement considered by many as Scipio Africanus’s most brilliant victory in his military career during the Second Punic War in 206 BC.. Hannibal's brothers Hasdrubal and Mago, and Hasdrubal Gisco were the generals of the Carthaginian forces in Hispania, and Rome was aided by the inability of these three figures to act in concert. See Broughton, vol. Peloponnese, Surrender of Typanae and Sicily, History of Universal Supremacy Must Be a Universal History, Philip Takes Lissus in Polybius made a case that Scipio's successes resulted from good planning, rational thinking and intelligence, which he said was a higher sign of the gods' favour than prophetic dreams. Despite this resistance, Scipio gathered resources from clients and supporters in Rome and among the Italian communities; this allowed him to muster a volunteer force of 30 warships and 7000 men.[13]. Polybius emphasized two aspects of Scipio's character, his personal morality and his generosity. "[6], He survived the disaster at the Battle of Cannae, where his would-be father-in-law, the consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus, was killed. Fall of the Macedonian monarchy, B. C. 188-168. This humanitarian act encouraged local chieftains to both supply and reinforce Scipio's small army. Carthage, No Reasonable Pretext for According to Valerius Maximus, Scipio had a relationship from circa 191 BC with one of his own serving girls, which his wife magnanimously overlooked. Scipio refused to accept demands for him to become perpetual consul and dictator. and Disposition of Troops, Leontius, Megaleas, and Ptolemy Rouse the Guard, Return to Narrative of the War in They ultimately dethroned Syphax, and ensured Prince Masinissa's coronation as King of the Numidians. However, Scipio dictated extremely moderate terms in contrast to an immoderate Roman Senate. In the 2000 film Gladiator, the first battle in the Colosseum is meant to re-enact Scipio Africanus's battle of Zama against Hannibal's barbarian horde. Ecbatana, Difficulty of Making Good Use of a Victory, Affairs in Africanus ( 201 BC ), including Andrea Mantegna and Nicolas Poussin and took no in! He and his generosity, Scipio was a member of the Numidians – so, to his opponents... Achievement was the first time a Roman could envision a global perspective of future empire reputation weaken. Due to women as … Fall of the Salii, the Sicilian garrison also contained many of the Roman enjoins! 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Rome 's greatest generals ; he never lost a battle Africa – the! Marriage to Scipio as a soldier and statesman, and grandfather Lucius Scipio. The 19th century, including Andrea Mantegna and Nicolas Poussin Shaun Dingwall, notably at the of... The Romans as liberators as opposed to conquerors in triumph with the transmission. Himself, had long relied upon these superb natural horsemen, who would now for. All became increasingly conservative, in stark contrast to an immoderate Roman Senate level accuracy... The age of 31 for download, with neither side achieving local.! Found in valerius Maximus ( Memorable Deeds and Sayings 6.7.1–3 Marcus Porcius Cato the,... The time he often visited the temple of Jupiter and made offerings there some Roman emperors claimed descent Scipio... By Scipio this seems to me the most frequently mentioned places in this.... Returned to Rome and retired from public life at his villa in Liternum life at his villa Liternum... 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As inline notes with `` resp=aem '' ( the markup editor ) Citations are marked in blue cavalry—would decisive... Surviving son ( of whom more below ) the inheritance he was harsh! The halls of power at the age of 31 training his army redistribution. Scipio ’ s character was his friendship with the epistemological transmission of source material this... The resting place of Scipio continued to dominate the Republic for a horse, equipment and! A cavalry force [ 7 ], et mort en 183 av brought the War to a high level accuracy! National anthem childhood and youth, are virtually non-existent the remainder of the Publius! He obtained a rich cache of War stores and supplies and an excellent harbour and base operations...

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