hume of national characters pdf

Ninthly. And if we would subtilize° and refine upon this point, we might observe, that the people, in very temperate climates, are the most likely to attain all sorts of improvement; their blood not being so inflamed as to render them jealous, and yet being warm enough to make them set a due value on the charms and endowments of the fair sex. 5. The ARABIC is uncouth and disagreeable: The MUSCOVITE° soft and musical. [William Temple, [Julius Caesar placed great reliance on the Tenth Legion because of its courage, and he showed it special favors. But I am apt to think, that this has happened by accident. If courage be preserved, it must be by discipline, example, and opinion. The best kind of character is supposed to lie between those extremes: I believe this remark may be allowed just, when confined to the EUROPEAN nations, and to the present age, or rather to the preceding one: But I think it may be accounted for from moral causes. THE vulgar° are apt to carry all national characters to extremes; and having once established it as a principle, that any people are knavish, or cowardly, or ignorant, they will admit of no exception, but comprehend every individual under the same censure. Edited ... Of National Characters (1748, 1777) Their posterity make use of foreigners for the same purpose that the ROMANS did their ancestors. Every language will depend somewhat on the manners of the people; but much more on that original stock of words and sounds, which they received from their ancestors, and which remain unchangeable, even while their manners admit of the greatest alterations. The ambition of the clergy can often be satisfied only by promoting ignorance and superstition and implicit faith and pious frauds. One can assign a very probable physical cause for this difference. The ATHENIANS were the only IONIANS that ever had any reputation for valour or military atchievements; though even these were deemed inferior to the LACEDEMONIANS, the bravest of the DORIANS. And having got what ARCHIMEDES only wanted, (namely, another world, on which he could fix his engines) no wonder they move this world at their pleasure. *3, As to physical causes, I am inclined to doubt altogether of their operation in this particular; nor do I think, that men owe any thing of their temper or genius to the air, food, or climate. Although in the Treatise Hume adopted Du Bos’ views on a number of points, he also explicitly rejected Du Bos’ views on occasion. The common people in SWITZERLAND have probably more honesty than those of the same rank in IRELAND; and every prudent man will, from that circumstance alone, make a difference in the trust which he reposes in each. This makes parents and husbands more jealous and reserved; which still farther inflames the passion. It is true there are many points of contrast in the moral philosophies of Kant and Hume, for Kant was a rationalist in his conception of morals and Hume was not. Thus the JEWS in EUROPE, and the ARMENIANS in the east, have a peculiar character; and the former are as much noted for fraud, as the latter for probity. i. In the infancy of society, if any of these dispositions be found in greater abundance than the rest, it will naturally prevail in the composition, and give a tincture to the national character. Thus all the FRANKS° appear to have a uniform character to the eastern nations. The FRENCH, GREEKS, EGYPTIANS, and PERSIANS are remarkable for gaiety. This however is certain, that the characters of nations are very promiscuous in the temperate climates, and that almost all the general observations, which have been formed of the more southern or more northern people in these climates, are found to be uncertain and fallacious.*10. *7 The Jesuits, in all Roman-catholic countries, are also observed to have a character peculiar to themselves.*8. To-day the whole world has its Greek and its Roman Athens; eloquent Gaul has trained the pleaders of Britain, and distant Thule talks of hiring a rhetorician” (Loeb translation by G. G. Our American line went from George Hume to George Hume II to John Hume to Stanton Hume who married Sarah Breckenridge. Who can doubt, but the ENGLISH are at present a more polite and knowing people than the GREEKS were for several ages after the siege of TROY? Where a number of men are united into one political body, the occasions of their intercourse must be so frequent, for defence, commerce, and government, that, together with the same speech or language, they must acquire a resemblance in their manners, and have a common or national character, as well as a personal one, peculiar to each individual. If on the first establishment of a republic, a BRUTUS should be placed in authority,*5 and be transported with such an enthusiasm for liberty and public good, as to overlook all the ties of nature, as well as private interest, such an illustrious example will naturally have an effect on the whole society, and kindle the same passion in every bosom. Eighthly. ... 12 - Of national characters pp 78-92. The gaiety, much less the excesses of pleasure, is not permitted in that body; and this virtue is, perhaps, the only one which they owe to their profession. As a proof how much courage depends on opinion, we may observe, that, of the two chief tribes of the GREEKS, the DORIANS, and IONIANS, the former were always esteemed, and always appeared more brave and manly than the latter; though the colonies of both the tribes were interspersed and intermingled throughout all the extent of GREECE, the Lesser ASIA, SICILY, ITALY, and the islands of the ÆGEAN sea. David Hume was born in 1711 and wrote A Treatise of Human Nature, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, and more. The GREEKS and ROMANS, who called all other nations barbarians, confined genius and a fine understanding to the more southern climates, and pronounced the northern nations incapable of all knowledge and civility. Subsequently, he revised the note to assert only that black people are naturally inferior to white people. That the character of a nation will much depend on moral causes, must be evident to the most superficial observer; since a nation is nothing but a collection of individuals, and the manners of individuals are frequently determined by these causes. The LANGUEDOCIANS and GASCONS are the gayest people in FRANCE; but whenever you pass the PYRENEES, you are among SPANIARDS. Ramsay). The ingenuity, industry, and activity of the ancient GREEKS have nothing in common with the stupidity and indolence of the present inhabitants of those regions. On the other hand, the heat in the southern climates, obliging men and women to go half naked, thereby renders their frequent commerce more dangerous, and inflames their mutual passion. Nothing so much encourages the passion of love as ease and leisure, or is more destructive to it than industry and hard labour; and as the necessities of men are evidently fewer in the warm climates than in the cold ones, this circumstance alone may make a considerable difference between them.l. Another 132 words (9 lines of text) covering the years 1456, 1468, 1506, 1560, 1609, 1569, 1645, 1604, 1648, 1671, 1698, 1641, 1724, 1696, 1702, 1797 and are included under the topic Early Hume History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. An ENGLISHMAN will naturally be supposed to have more knowledge than a DANE; though TYCHO BRAHE was a native of DENMARK.*1. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them, in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Reflections from Hume and Kant @inproceedings{Martinelli2016OnTP, title={On the Philosophical Significance of National Characters. I ordered David Hume Essay Of National Characters an argumentative essay and received a well-done academic level paper. This failure has oc-casioned a number of controversies among scholars as to the meaning of this notion.3 While most commentators agree about the centrality of character for We may often remark a wonderful mixture of manners and characters in the same nation, speaking the same language, and subject to the same government: And in this particular the ENGLISH are the most remarkable of any people, that perhaps ever were in the world. ATHENS and THEBES were but a short day’s journey from each other; though the ATHENIANS were as remarkable for ingenuity, politeness, and gaiety, as the THEBANS for dulness, rusticity. ATHENS and THEBES were but a short day’s journey from each other; though the ATHENIANS were as remarkable for ingenuity, politeness, and gaiety, as the THEBANS for dulness, rusticity,° and a phlegmatic° temper. There scarcely ever was a civilized nation of that complexion, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. The SPANIARDS, TURKS, and CHINESE are noted for gravity and a serious deportment, without any such difference of climate as to produce this difference of temper. Early History of the Hume family. “Of National Characters”, in Race and Enlightenment. It was noted for its centralized organization, discipline, and concern for education. Thus the CHINESE have the greatest uniformity of character imaginable: though the air and climate, in different parts of those vast dominions, admit of very considerable variations. READ PAPER. It seems to be taken for granted in the dialogue de Oratoribus,*12 that knowledge was much more common in VESPASIAN’S age than in that of CICERO and AUGUSTUS. The ancient ROMANS seem to have been a candid sincere people, as are the modern TURKS. Hume's "Original Difference": Race, National Character and the Human Sciences Aaron Garrett might have driven Hume to write this remark-although the evidence is meager and my own explanation is of necessity speculative. Candour, bravery, and love of liberty formed the character of the ancient ROMANS; as subtilty, cowardice, and a slavish disposition do that of the modern. The living a layman till that age, it is presumed, would be able to fix the character.c, [Juvenal, Satires 15.108-10: “… but how could a Cantabrian be a Stoic, and that too in the days of old Metellus? FOREWORD BY EUGENE MILLER . David Hume is commonly known as one of the greatest philosophers to write in English. We have reason to expect greater wit and gaiety in a FRENCHMAN than in a SPANIARD; though CERVANTES was born in SPAIN. ], [Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) was a Danish astronomer whose careful observations contributed to the Copernican revolution in astronomy.]. I first published 1742.) Where any set of men, scattered over distant nations, maintain a close society or communication together, they acquire a similitude of manners, and have but little in common with the nations amongst whom they live. It is known that by 1770 James Beattie, in An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to Sophistry and Skepti-cism, had extensively criticized "Of National Character," specifically the note under consideration. I really like the job you do. Not to mention, that, as women ripen sooner in the southern regions, it is necessary to observe greater jealousy and care in their education; it being evident, that a girl of twelve cannot possess equal discretion to govern this passion, with one who feels not its violence till she be seventeen or eighteen. If we run over the globe, or revolve the annals of history, we shall discover every where signs of a sympathy or contagion of manners, none of the influence of air or climate. But the ENGLISH government is a mixture of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. The ancient GREEKS, though born in a warm climate, seem to have been much addicted to the bottle; nor were their parties of pleasure any thing but matches of drinking among men, who passed their time altogether apart from the fair. Ed E. C Eze 1997, Ch 3, pp298-299 14 Eze (supra 12) 15 D. Hume (in Eze, 2001, Ch 2) 4 continually resurfaced in his successive revised versions. Different reasons are assigned for these national characters; while some account for them from moral, others from physical causes. Sixthly. (Vol. Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary by David Hume 1987. Those, who succeeded, are valued for nothing but the matters of fact, of which they give us information. In FRANCE and ITALY few drink pure wine, except in the greatest heats of summer; and indeed, it is then almost as necessary, in order to recruit the spirits, evaporated by heat, as it is in SWEDEN, during the winter, in order to warm the bodies congealed by the rigour of the season. And this is agreeable to the analogy of nature. Wine and distilled waters warm the frozen blood in the colder climates, and fortify men against the injuries of the weather: As the genial heat of the sun, in the countries exposed to his beams, inflames the blood, and exalts the passion between the sexes. The Hume Family home was Wedderburn Castle in Scotland. HUME, DAVID (1711–1776), philosopher and historian, born at Edinburgh 26 April (O.S.) But whoever possesses the other noble virtues of humanity, meekness, and moderation, as very many of them, no doubt, do, is beholden for them to nature or reflection, not to the genius of his calling. In JAMAICA, indeed, they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but it is likely he is admired for slender accomplishments, like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. Eloquent GAUL has taught BRITAIN, knowing in the laws. See, [Darius I, king of Persia from 521 to 486 B.C. Where several neighbouring nations have a very close communication together, either by policy, commerce, or travelling, they acquire a similitude of manners, proportioned to the communication. ... David Hume on National Characters and National Self. In general, we may observe, that courage, of all national qualities, is the most precarious; because it is exerted only at intervals, and by a few in every nation; whereas industry, knowledge, civility, may be of constant and universal use, and for several ages, may become habitual to the whole people. Dr. Berkeley: Minute Philosopher. If the governing part of a state consist altogether of merchants, as in HOLLAND, their uniform way of life will fix their character. You may obtain any thing of the NEGROES by offering them strong drink; and may easily prevail with them to sell, not only their children, but their wives and mistresses, for a cask of brandy. Self-love and self-liking in the moral and political philosophy of Bernard Mandeville and David Hume, The Essays of David Hume (Course Material), Some Thoughts on the Place of Women in Early Modern Philosophy. Even THULE entertains thoughts of hiring rhetoricians for its instruction.”*13 This state of learning is remarkable; because JUVENAL is himself the last of the ROMAN writers, that possessed any degree of genius. National Characters." Hume and Du Bos on national characters. We may observe, that, where a very extensive government has been established for many centuries, it spreads a national character over the whole empire, and communicates to every part a similarity of manners. Different reasons are assigned for these national characters; while some account for them from moral, others from physical causes. 3. See. If it consists chiefly of nobles and landed gentry, like GERMANY, FRANCE, and SPAIN, the same effect follows. It must, therefore, happen, that clergymen, being drawn from the common mass of mankind, as people are to other employments, by the views of profit, the greater part, though no atheists or free-thinkers, will find it necessary, on particular occasions, to feign more devotion than they are, at that time, possessed of, and to maintain the appearance of fervor and seriousness, even when jaded with the exercises of their religion, or when they have their minds engaged in the common occupations of life. Perhaps too, the matter may be accounted for by moral causes. The same set of manners will follow a nation, and adhere to them over the whole globe, as well as the same laws and language. DIODORUS SICULUS*17 tells us, that the GAULS in his time were great drunkards, and much addicted to wine; chiefly, I suppose, from its rarity and novelty. Hume was aware of this and other criticisms and responded Three Essays, Moral and Political, contained: (1) “Of National Characters”; (2) … As poverty and hard labour debase the minds of the common people, and render them unfit for any science and ingenious°profession; so where any government becomes very oppressive to all its subjects, it must have a proportional effect on their temper and genius, and must banish all the liberal arts from among them.a. And any breed of these creatures, transplanted from one country to another, will soon lose the qualities, which they derived from their native climate. We have reason to expect greater wit and gaiety in a FRENCHMAN than in a SPANIARD; though CERVANTES was born in SPAIN. *19 DARIUS HYSTASPES*20 made it be inscribed on his tomb-stone, among his other virtues and princely qualities, that no one could bear a greater quantity of liquor. If the governing part of a state consist altogether of merchants, as in HOLLAND, their uniform way of life will fix their character. 5 National Library of Scotland, David Hume Manuscripts, 23159, 24. Hal. Green and T.H. Fourthly. The people in authority are composed of gentry and merchants. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Where a number of men are united into one political body, the occasions of their intercourse must be so frequent, for defence, commerce, and government, that, together with the same speech or language, they must acquire a resemblance in their manners, and have a common or national character, as well as a personal one, peculiar to each individual. Most men are apt to bear a particular regard for members of their own profession; but as a lawyer, or physician, or merchant, does, each of them, follow out his business apart, the interests of men of these professions are not so closely united as the interests of clergymen of the same religion; where the whole body gains by the veneration, paid to their common tenets, and by the suppression of antagonists. It was no bad expedient in the old ROMANS, for preventing the strong effect of the priestly character, to make it a law that no one should be received into the sacerdotal office, till he was past fifty years of age, DION. The propensity to company and society is strong in all rational creatures; and the same disposition, which gives us this propensity, makes us enter deeply into each other’s sentiments, and causes like passions and inclinations to run, as it were, by contagion, through the whole club or knot° of companions. Download. A small sect or society amidst a greater are commonly most regular in their morals; because they are more remarked, and the faults of individuals draw dishonour on the whole. About the Book and Author Foreword, by Eugene F. Miller Editor's Note, by Eugene F. Miller Note to the Revised Edition My Own Life, by David Hume Letter from Adam Smith, L.L.D. David Hume in a notorious footnote in “Of National Characters,” in his Essays, Moral, Political and Literary, explicitly wrote that there were human races and that nonwhites were inferior to whites. On which see Duncan Forbes, Hume’s Philosophical Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 1975), 226–27; Romani, National Character and Public Spirit, 159–69. *18 So honourable was the character of a drunkard among the PERSIANS, that CYRUS the younger, soliciting the sober LACEDEMONIANS for succour against his brother ARTAXERXES, claims it chiefly on account of his superior endowments, as more valorous, more bountiful, and a better drinker. Where any accident, as a difference in language or religion, keeps two nations, inhabiting the same country, from mixing with each other, they will preserve, during several centuries, a distinct and even opposite set of manners. Wapping was a squalid area of London along the Thames River inhabited by sailors and purveyors of naval supplies, where pirates had once been executed. Where the government of a nation is altogether republican, it is apt to beget a peculiar set of manners. This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Hume research. This brief genealogy begins with George Hume who came to America in the early 1700s. In small governments, which are contiguous, the people have notwithstanding a different character, and are often as distinguishable in their manners as the most distant nations. Of National Characters Of Tragedy Of the Standard of Taste Of Commerce Of Refinement in the Arts Of Interest Of the Balance of Trade Of Public Credit Of Some Remarkable Customs ... of Hume's writings, including the Essays, in relation to each other, and in the historical context Hume on National Characters Hume gives no exact definition of character in his work. The manners of a people change very considerably from one age to another; either by great alterations in their government, by the mixtures of new people, or by that inconstancy, to which all human affairs are subject. They must not, like the rest of the world, give scope to their natural movements and sentiments: They must set a guard over their looks and words and actions: And in order to support the veneration paid them by the multitude, they must not only keep a remarkable reserve, but must promote the spirit of superstition, by a continued grimace and hypocrisy. Though at the same time, they allow, that each nation has a peculiar set of manners, and that some particular qualities are more frequently to be met with among one people than among their neighbours. I hope the late conversion of MUSCOVY to the study of the sciences will not prove a like prognostic to the present period of learning. In religions, indeed, founded on speculative principles, and where public discourses make a part of religious service, it may also be supposed that the clergy will have a considerable share in the learning of the times; though it is certain that their taste in eloquence will always be greater than their proficiency in reasoning and philosophy. Few men can bear contradiction with patience; but the clergy too often proceed even to a degree of fury on this head: Because all their credit and livelihood depend upon the belief, which their opinions meet with; and they alone pretend to a divine and supernatural authority, or have any colour for representing their antagonists as impious and prophane. I confess, that the contrary opinion may justly, at first sight, seem probable; since we find, that these circumstances have an influence over every other animal, and that even those creatures, which are fitted to live in all climates, such as dogs, horses, &c. do not attain the same perfection in all. A soldier and a priest are different characters, in all nations, and all ages; and this difference is founded on circumstances, whose operation is eternal and unalterable. For as chymists observe, that spirits, when raised to a certain height, are all the same, from whatever materials they be extracted; so these men, being elevated above humanity, acquire a uniform character, which is entirely their own, and which, in my opinion, is, generally speaking, not the most amiable that is to be met with in human society. The differences among them are like the peculiar accents of different provinces, which are not distinguishable, except by an ear accustomed to them, and which commonly escape a foreigner. I recommend this website. Nay, the greater are the alterations and improvements, which happen in the manners of a people, the less can be expected in their language. By moral causes, I mean all circumstances, which are fitted to work on the mind as motives or reasons, and which render a peculiar set of manners habitual to us. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. The SPANISH, ENGLISH, FRENCH and DUTCH colonies are all distinguishable even between the tropics. [The Jesuits, or Society of Jesus, is a Roman Catholic order for males, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556). Yet is there no comparison between the language of MILTON and that of HOMER. The courage of bull-dogs and game-cocks seems peculiar to ENGLAND. Thirdly. The races of animals never degenerate when carefully tended; and horses, in particular, always show their blood in their shape, spirit, and swiftness: But a coxcomb° may beget a philosopher; as a man of virtue may leave a worthless progeny. Question of the Standard of Taſte 119 129... David Hume on National Characters an argumentative and... Of foreigners for the same purpose that the Hume who married Sarah Breckenridge is to. Frenchman than in a SPANIARD ; though CERVANTES was born who came to America in the early 1700s countries. For large and heavy horses: SPAIN for horses light, and opinion Hume Manuscripts, 23159 24. 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