how many foot candles is bright indirect light

Darryl, I love your book, and this list is so helpful. See previously answered questions in the ‘Get Plant Help’ section of my site. In an office lit only by fluorescents bulbs, the light levels are often 40 ftc or fewer. Appropriate for plants that require indirect sunlight . Indirect light exposures receive 100 to 300 foot-candles of light … Even in the winter, the light outside, at noon, can reach over 4000 ftc. Step 2: Bookmark this page so you can look up the levels of indirect light necessary for various plants. Last updated May 7, 2021 | Published on Nov 23, 2020, REQUEST YOUR FREE PHOTOMETRIC LIGHTING PLAN, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), First aid locations, general office spaces, and hospital infirmaries: 30 foot candles, General under ground areas of work – mining and tunnels: 5 foot candles, Areas of Concrete placement, waste location areas, loading docks, storage areas, field maintenance locations, refueling locations and excavation sites: 3 foot candles. remember a plant by its scientific name, because some plants have many common names but only one scientific name. How many hours in a day does a Ficus (I recently got a large rubber plant) need at least 400 fc to keep up maintenance? Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that you’re going to find a guide online to tell you the exact amount of light your plants need. Get yourself a light meter ( like this one from Amazon) and you can start to interpret light in definitive numbers rather than fuzzy language. These numbers are easily searchable on the internet – I’ve included the source links where applicable. Thanks, Kelly! I’ve recently acquired a musa ae-ae. Sign up for my newsletter and you’ll be able to email me your specific plant questions. In areas where reading and detailed tasks are carried out, 50 foot candles of lighting is sufficient. Ligh, As much as I accept that older leaves will eventua, No midrib holes for this round but still a lovely, If you're discouraged about spider mites because t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Grow Lights Part 1: A few grow lights I’ve used – House Plant Journal, Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen, and several species). – PAR is measuring all light between 400-700 nm with equal sensitivity. 75-150 foot-candles (800-1600 lux) is considered the range for indirect light by Greenery Unlimited, so “bright” being more towards the top of that range. This will be good for most low light houseplants. Determine the Foot Candles by Room Type or Room Purpose. The foot-candle is defined as one lumen per square foot. Disclaimer: this article contains affiliate links that help to support House Plant Journal content ~ Thank You! A requirement of 20 foot candles is recommended for general spaces in offices. This is some very nice information and I happen to have some cheap chinese light meter, hopefully it gives me at least some idea of the light levels I have. If you look at the “Commercial Light Levels” column, there’s nothing below 1000 FC, which means *ALL* houseplants will grow extremely well if you can get indirect light levels to be as close to 1000 FC as possible. When I look on the commenting part of the page, I don’t see a checkbox that says “Notify me when new comments are added.” but rather, only one that says “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” – was that the one you checked? The only downside is the sensor cannot be pointed away from the screen so you may need to use the ‘hold’ function (should also be around $40-60) [US Link] [CAN Link]. 2-3 hours direct sun is tolerable but leaves may lose color. The real implication is illuminance measurement may not reflect “strong or weak” ***if the measured light contains very high blue or red.***. Bright Light: Bright light means a sunny southern or western facing window that receives direct light all day long. The Greg team and I agree that plant care should be highly personalized, because no two plants or environments are alike. We saw that when the sun is in the direct line of sight with the light meter, the readings will be very high: 4000-6000 foot-candles through glass (as in the above photo) and 10,000 and above when outdoors. Just wanted to say thanks for putting together this resource. Now many hours is this table calculated for? Overall plant will gradually lose leaves and become thinner in low light. Appropriate for plants that require indirect sunlight. TIA. Ferns (Boston Fern, Bird’s Nest Fern, Maidenhair Fern), Bird’s nest fern/maidenhair fern – 1-2 hours direct sun is tolerable but must keep soil evenly moist, Ficus (Rubber plant, elastica; Fiddle leaf fig, lyrata; benjamina). If you have small windows, save your money. These numbers are easily searchable on the internet – I’ve included the source links where applicable. That’s something I didn’t quite understand. Recommended Foot Candles for Hotels: Lobby: 10 fc: Guest Rooms: 10 fc: Hallways – Stair Areas: 5 fc: Recommended Foot Candles for Schools: Classrooms: 50 fc: College Lecture Halls: 50-100 fc: Hallways: 10 fc: Gymnasiums: 50-100 fc: Recommended Foot Candles for Factories and Warehouse Facilities: Coarse Material Processing: 10 fc: Medium Material Processing: 30 fc Jade will stretch with indirect light levels below 200 FC most of the day - it won't die but you may not enjoy the stretched look. That’s going to be as close to your biggest window as possible. Thanks! The following descriptions define the terms used in the following material. Most low-light plants will not thrive below 25 FC or 269 lux. 80 sf x 400 foot candles = 32,000 lumens / 3000 lumens per bulb = 10 bulbs. We only recently had our website re-done and so we’re still figuring out the issues. An hour or two of direct sun would be great as well. thanks for the super useful info, already bought a light meter to get into this game I can’t understand one thing from the table and the comments: how many hours of given FC levels plants need? 2,000 – 4,000 LUX: This light intensity is about 40% of midday sun as well as direct light coming through windows. New leaves grown at low light levels will be long, thin and floppy. We design lighting with luminaries (light fixtures) in multiple locations to create what is known as 'crossover' lighting. Are there any studies on length and intensity of led illumination for different plant types? If the white appears as if it is an actual light source, your backlight is too bright. If you want orchids to flower around once year, I’d say they need to be exposed to at least 200-400 FC for at least 6 hours a day. Last time, I talked about making connections between light meter readings with your physical environment. Realistically, they’ll grow nicely in the 400-800 FC range, acceptable in the 200-400 FC range, and just survive if it never gets higher than 200 FC: that’s my take if you’re looking for my version of broad categorizations. Here’s a video on succulent leaf propagation: often confused with Dracaena fragrans (Corn Plant), which is far more low-light tolerant. Your care efforts realize that potential (watering, fertilizing, repotting). And if I were to measure the FC, how would you measure it for low/medium/high indirect light? I mean how many hours in a day is enough of say, 100 FC to achieve minimal growth? same comment. I have referred back to this list SO many times I’ve considered turning it into a sortable list by light levels. The range of light intensity/duration varies a lot. He says 800-1000 foot-candles is the high end of acceptable for bright indirect light. Muito bom, estas informações irão contribuir muito para as minhas pesquisas! Offices with more intensive use and showrooms will need brighter lighting provided by 50 to 100 foot-candles, or 500 lux. Very “low light” tolerant – down to 50 FC, but will just barely survive and be at high risk of root rot. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Android devices do not have standardized ambient light sensor hardware and the iOS platform doesn’t give access to the iPhone light sensor, which means those apps are doing a rough calculation based on the camera brightness value. I came across your channel on YouTube and I need some guidance. When choosing an artificial light or grow light consider these factors: The Intensity. Product Summary (links where […]. Basically, illuminance and PAR are *correlated* as long as the spectrum is relatively balanced (which means, the light is mostly white). Any lighting tips for that one? Would this be too long as well? Plant dies slowly below 100 FC and will look ugly after a year or two. Bright indirect light is light that does not directly land on the leaves of your plant when sent from the sun. We use the following equation: lumens = lux * area. Suggested Foot Candles Needed By Space Low light conditions are those which receive 25 to 100 foot-candles . This unit is commonly used in lighting layouts in parts of the world where United States customary units are used, mainly the United States. I don’t have every possible houseplant but after reading a few of these, I think you’ll get the idea. In a north facing window, however, it may never reach even 400 ftc. Very intricate, exacting and detailed work may require 1,000 to 2,000 foot-candles, or 10,000 to 20,000 lux. So it’s not quite correct to say that illuminance “does not contain enough red/blue” – illuminance is about what wavelengths the measure is sensitive to, it doesn’t contain anything. We’ve noticed that some of the leaves are getting brown/yellow-discolorations, but we aren’t sure if this is due to the lamp or because we kept the plant so long in darkness before getting the lamp (3-4 days ago). ***Use these as guidelines.***. Glad you found it helpful! 400-800 is the upper portion of the range that yields satisfactory growth for tropicals. Philodendrons (Moonlight, Imperial Red, Prince of Orange, Pink Princess, etc. You are creative in your work, What is the meaning of the symbol FC What does it represent. But, if you combine the light meter reading with your understanding of what constitutes indirect light, you should be able to put together a more complete picture of how much light your plant is receiving. if you don’t have at least 400 FC of indirect light, your fiddle leaf fig will lose most of its lower leaves. 1-2 hours direct sun is tolerable but must keep soil evenly moist, Jade Plant (Crassula ovata, other Crassula), Book "Tropical Foliage Plants" by Lynn P. Griffith Jr. -. Typically, indoor light levels range from 50 FC (foot candles) to 500 FC or 538 lux to 5382 lux. Here are a few that I think work well: This is the Dr. Please note that one foot-candle = 10.76 Lumens*, which means that in order to convert foot-candles to lumens, I would need to take the amount of foot-candles that I measured, 50 foot-candles ,and multiply by 10.76 to get the number of lumens (50 x 10.76 = 538 lumens) The lamp has 30 W and around 2900 lumen at 6500 K. Could this lamp be too bright? What do you think? As for the draft – if there is one, you should have it fixed for the sake of your heating/cooling bill. Here are the calcs. Plants need to get a certain amount of light for photosynthesis to occur. In my book, I stated that misting is about as useful to raise humidity as it is to light up a match to warm up a room: the effect on ambient humidity is minimal and temporary. This may produce a defined shadow. A foot-candle is how bright a light is one-foot away from its source. To give you a rough idea, “50% Shade” would measure to 5000 foot-candles (FC) and “90% Shade” comes to 1000 FC – this is the strength of the sun shining through different layers of shade cloth, which is a black net-like material. 1,000 – 2,000 Foot-Candles: Bright but indirect sunlight. Factors aspects like the time of day, outdoors or indoors, and which way the meter is facing can also affect the readings you’ll get. T. zebrina grows well in “shade” outdoors, which means up to 3 hours of direct sun is fine – remember that the gardening definition of “shade” does NOT mean complete absence of direct sun, it means less than 3 hours of exposure time. Thanks, Emma! How Many Watts Is a Foot Candle? In the lighting industry, footcandles are a fairly common unit of measurement used to determine how much light will be optimal for work spaces, retail venues, buildings, or outdoor spaces. Step 1: Get a light meter and get to know how bright your indirect light actually is. – Illuminance is measuring all light between 400-700 nm with highest sensitivity near 560 nm (green) and falling off in a bell-curve shape. ), Pilea (Aluminum plant, cadierei and others; NOTE: Pilea peperomioides not specifically mentioned). A south facing room, out of direct sunlight will usually have bright, indirect light. I appreciate your effort. Similar to one of the comments above, I ended up using this list frequently and created a sortable table for it – feel free to use it if it’s helpful . should be cut back every few months to keep bushy, otherwise will grow leggy. Commercial Light Levels: most of our typical “houseplants” are grown in greenhouses with varying layers of shade cloth. […] Here’s my list of common houseplants and their light requirements – WITH NUMBERS! Bright indirect light is approximately 800 and 2000 foot candles and varies based on where the plant is placed. They land on something else first and then bounce off. A window considered direct sunlight an introduction to green wall lighting lighting nasa energy models light for houseplants of light intensity for plants indoors. The concept is pretty easy to understand. Lumens are a measure of brightness, or the amount of light emitted per second by a light source. For example, a bathroom or kitchen will require more foot-candles than a living room or bedroom. Aloe and Euphorbia can stay looking mostly the same down to 200 FC; Echeveria will stretch when grown indoors after several months – it’s inevitable. Words to follow! As for correlating FC reading to low/medium/high indirect light? I wish we can cooperate in some workshops coz I’m very willing to encourage people grow green plants in their spaces either home or work . Also: We are using the lamp 10 hours / day. Please keep adding to it *begs sweetly* !! Thanks much for the links provided. ***Don’t expect to achieve these light levels indoors from your indirect light. Average Parking Lot = 1 foot-candle or 10 lux. Also, bright indirect light is about 800-2000 foot candles and differs based on the position of the plant. Once you know all these values, the foot candle calculator will determine how many lumens you need in total. I am reading on stuff about LUMENS at that LUMENS are measured for human eyes and not plant photosynthesis because it does not contain enough amount of red or blue. Foot candles are an imprecise form of measurement, but they give us a good idea of how much light a plant is getting. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum, Scindapsus pictus), Sansevieria (Snake Plant, Mother-in-law’s Tongue). Scientifically. Instead, those with huge, unobstructed windows and/or skylights are patting themselves on the back at how good they are with houseplants while those with smaller windows living between buildings are struggling to figure out why their fiddle leaf fig always ends up with 90% of their foliage lost. That creates too much shadow, and inconsistency. Conference rooms and other areas where visually challenging tasks are occasionally performed may incorporate between 10-20 foot candles. Getting to 50 footcandles is great, but not if its 1 bright light. With that said, however, it's still entirely possible to burn plants that are placed close to windows because the window glass can act as a magnifying glass and the plant may not be well acclimated to direct sun on its leaves. How to measure: from the spot where your plant is sitting, while the sun is NOT in view, you want the measurement to be above the “good growth” foot-candle reading. Good light is the PREREQUISITE for a plant to grow but the term “bright indirect light” fails to convey anything concrete. This characterizes the northern . Have made some adjustments of various plant locations after reading your book, and am seriously considering getting a light metre to makes sure all my plants are getting what they need. 2000-5000 FC (estimated based on ‘part shade/part sun’). The only situation where you will run into a major discrepancy is with purely blue and red light. Light Levels. Darryl this table is amazing thank you so much for doing this !! kmilne. When you've owned, Anthrium collection expanding (names on second pho, Would you have thrown it away 2 months ago? Low-light plants require little to no direct light. As a product manager getting into houseplants, I love this! Meter LX1330B Light Meter that I’ve been using – pricing has been varying wildly on Amazon but it should be around $40-60 [US Link] [CAN Link]. As we noticed that the plants starts to lose leaves, we got ourselves a LED lamp on a stand around 20 cm above the dracaena, to see if this would improve things. 1000-2500 FC (estimated based on ‘shade/filtered sun’), Very “low light” tolerant – down to 50 FC, but will just barely survive and have high risk of root rot. And our eyes adjust to a wide range of light levels so you will NOT feel the difference. Please let us know. Accordingto the website, the minimum recommended light intensity is 1 foot-candle. Should we be measuring indoor artificial lights with PAR or LUM to get the best light for the plants during FALL/WINTER? For Example: A wall that’s 10 feet wide by 8 feet tall for which you want 400 foot candles. At worse, it makes you think just any place the sun doesn’t shine is considered indirect light. - Even lighting is better than bright lighting is an LED Light Expert Motto. And what is the basis of the word if it is an abbreviation of a sentence. lower leaves will drop off – generally doesn’t look nice after a year. Is it possible to burn a plant with articial light? Lighting requirements/needs vary depending on the type of room being lit. My peace lily care video –, Philodendron Vines (Heart-leaf, Brasil, etc). Thanks for sharing your learning! Any idea of the light requirements (specifically how many hours of direct sunlight tolerated) for tradescantia zebrina? Yucca will not perform well below 400 FC. We’ll do our best to help! This makes is easier to understand my plant needs. Your illuminance value will be very low but a PPFD reading will be high. We’re very sorry for the emails! Full Video = 140 IRE units or 1 volt p-p. 140 I.R.E. “Bright indirect light?” This spot seems bright enough. Bright Indirect Light Requirements By Plant Type House Journal. Very low-light tolerant – I’ve seen one last for years at 30-50 FC. Thank you so much for constructing this. An alternate model: [US Link] [CAN Link], The Urceri light meter also works well and has the advantage of automatic range selection. often classified low-light tolerant, ZZ plant will survive with 50 FC but will be at high risk of root rot. This can be hard to accomplish during the winter but resist the temptation to move your plant closer to the window. When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a High, medium, low are meaningless. These standards are averages although no area in the parking lot should have less than a quarter of the average lamination. Very “low light” tolerant – down to 50 FC, but will just barely survive. 2,000 – 4,000 Foot - Candles : This light intensity is about 40% of midday sun as well as direct light coming through windows. It is ideal for many plants that require good and consistent light ... not foot-candles. This is considered bright light. I don’t. 400 foot candles is a good place to start. Classical “low light” tolerant houseplant. In their native growing environments, these plants are “understory plants” meaning they grow underneath the branches of larger plants. When the sun IS in view, you want the duration to be less than what is stated as tolerable – and if the sun will be in view for longer, then block it with a white sheer curtain. Please correct me on this. Bright, Indirect Light: (10,000–20,000 lux; 1,000–2,000 foot-candles). Is it still “bright indirect light” if the sun shines on that spot for a couple hours? The book is … But I was just wondering how long do the light levels have to be above or within those light levels? How Many Foot Candles Is Direct Sunlight. a unit of illuminance or illumination, equivalent to the illumination produced by a source of one candle at a distance of one foot ande qual to one lumen incident per square foot. Classical “low light” tolerant houseplant. To give you a rough idea, “50% Shade” would measure to 5000 foot-candles (FC) and “90% Shade” comes to 1000 FC – this is the strength of the sun shining through different layers of shade cloth, which is a black net-like material. All rights reserved. units 1 volt peak to peak 100 units of video (including pedestal) 0.7 volts of video (including pedestal) (100 units of video = DVD quality video) 40 units of sync signal 0.3 volts of sync signal Schefflera (Mini Umbrella Tree, Schefflera arboricola; Umbrella Tree, Brassaia actinophylla), Schlumbergera/Rhipsalidopsis (Christmas/Thanksgiving/Easter Cactus), Succulents (Aloe, Echeveria, Euphorbia, etc.). These numbers are gathered from my own observations and measurements. of light intensity and never any direct light. This is very useful information for people who wants to really understand how to care for plants. My name us Dr.Raghda Ramadan, I’m specialized in overcoming indoor air pollutants using green plants, specially in closed workplaces where we spend more than 8 hours daily leading to many side effects of being unattached to nature. After you have your total number of lumens calculated, you take the total number of lumens and multiply that by 0.001496. Measure at different times of the day and in different weather conditions so you can get a sense for the average intensity of your indirect light. 3. And I don’t use a humidifier anywhere – my ambient indoor humidity in the winter goes down to 30% […], I’m so excited to share that HPJ has partnered with Greg, the app that helps you grow healthy and happier plants, to bring you even more data-driven, science-based plant care! : featuring my staghorn fern. You can use illumination units of lux or foot candles. You need to figure out how bright the light is coming from the bulb. In areas where there is potential damage to vehicles, 2 foot-candles is recommended. Your interior light levels form the growth potential of the plant. A foot-candle (sometimes foot candle; abbreviated fc, lm/ft 2, or sometimes ft-c) is a non-SI unit of illuminance or light intensity. To estimate the number of lumens your space will need, just multiply the square footage of your room by the number of foot-candles … Sincerely, Dieffenbachia (Dumb cane; several species). Plant dies slowly below 100 FC but will look fine for many months, possibly years. Hi! If you’re growing this plant indoors, just put it in your biggest *and* sunniest window. So we both emphasize […], Just as I was running out of space in my first Ikea Greenhouse Cabinet (Milsbo), I stumbled upon a gently used Detolf display cabinet FREE for the taking in my apartment’s garbage disposal room! Disclaimer: this article contains Amazon Affiliate links. Leaves will very likely die back. ***, Interior Light Levels: plants can technically survive in a wide range of light levels so do not take the numbers listed here as prescriptive – they aren’t strict requirements. Read your book too and it’s the best houseplant book I’ve read so far. It’s been an amazing resource as I’ve started getting into growing and collecting some pretty plants. One foot-candle is approximately the brightness of one candle, one foot away. When considering foot-candles, it's good to remember that full sun outdoors is about 10,000–12,000 foot-candles, so even the brightest of indoor rooms rarely approaches that level of sunlight. Low - Minimum high level of 25-foot candles, preferred level of 75- to 200-foot candles. During winter, this corner gets even darker. Hi everyone, I’m really impressed by the useful information here which are illustrated in simple ways so everyone even inexperienced person can understand. Have bright, indirect light ” if the sun doesn ’ t shine is considered indirect light requirements by Type. An actual light source this list is so helpful year and distances of beyond eight feet for the sake your! Are a few of these, I love your book, and this list so times. 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