city council district 26 candidates

Sultan Maruf, candidate for City Council 26. Young: As a leader at large nonprofit and business organizations, managing staff and budgets, I have delivered for our communities with highly successful results. Laymon: 1) Public investment in directly constructing affordable housing on publicly owned land — we can’t continue to rely on private for-profit developers to build our affordable housing in New York in exchange for more luxury units. I’ll be ranking Amit Bagga as my second choice. So far, eight candidates have put their hat in the ring to replace the term-limited council member, who is vying to become the city's next comptroller.Brooklyn's 39th District — … Keehan-Smith: As your next City Council member, I will support reformulating the calculation of area median income (AMI) to more accurately reflect our neighborhoods. Khan: I think the best part of our district is how wonderfully diverse it is. Jonathan is also a kind person. They dropped the case after tormenting me for about four years. Houses built on public land should be affordable by a new definition of affordable. This will cause gentrification. QNS: What aspect of your background speaks best to your abilities as a City Council member? Bailey: I take positions supporting working people that others often won’t. I am a proven leader who can bring all parties to the table, void of ego, to accomplish community objectives. I moved around a lot growing up, only staying anywhere for a few years. As a council member, I will end the trend of giving away public land to private developers, and work with community land trusts to ensure that communities are the owners and stewards of that land; 2) I will reinvest in public housing by ensuring that we receive funds from the state and federal governments to fully fund NYCHA, without privatization. Here are a few that will probably appear on my ranked ballot in some order, and why I like them: Amit Bagga is a professional peer, someone else who has the level of experience needed. Owner-occupied homes are targeted for taxing increases through value capture, and public housing is intentionally left to disrepair. We need to come up with an exit plan for people who are unhoused. I look forward to hearing from my fellow candidates about how they plan to lead the district I’ve always called home out of our current state of crisis, and will make my voting decisions based on those exchanges. O’Leary: My grandparents settled in Sunnyside over 80 years ago and raised my father here, who didn’t know he was poor because there was food on the table and the community was there to lend a helping hand when someone needed it. Proposals to legalize these auxiliary apartments while ensuring basic safety standards and tenant protections might add thousands of additional rental units to our district. We need to rescue our small businesses. The diversity! We’ve had to rely on the internet during the pandemic. As the wife of a musician, gig worker and adjunct professor, I’ll bring the experience of what it’s like to live without employer protections. See more Q&As with candidates in the May election here. 1) Housing crisis including deplorable conditions (NYCHA and other apartment complexes); 2) Over gentrification due to zoning problems; 3) MTA. The diversity of the community and the potential of what it could be given the various undeveloped spaces that we have available, spaces in which we can create educational and recreational programs for our youth, and job training opportunities, and much more. In such a crowded race I want to make sure I give each and every candidate their due consideration, so I’m not quite ready to say who my number two will be. Young: Champion ZIP code-based MIH/AMI for development and work closely with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development to assure that the percentages are lowered so that deep affordability is considered. This article was updated with comment from candidate Jonathan Bailey on Monday, March 15. My experiences in NYCHA, working with families, and seeing how our current structures don’t do enough for our neighbors — I want to be the advocate in City Hall that a large portion of this district needs. (Photo courtesy of Steven Raga’s campaign), In my opinion, housing, healthcare and transportation are the most pressing issues for our district. Julia is honored to receive their endorsement as she fights to uplift all New Yorkers and help the Council to finally reflect our amazing city. Block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, there is an unending cavalcade of cultures, people, and communities. Badrun Khan: The most pressing issue is the economic destruction of small business owners. We need to fix the shelter system and NYCHA. Gomez: My previous work in government as a chief of staff and scheduler, as a NYCHA tenant organizer, and my current role as community coordinator at the Department of Education has given me the tools necessary to become an effective City Council member. Koshy Thomas, candidate for the New York City Council from District 23 in Queens, was hosted by the Indian-origin community in the area to show its support. What makes my district so great is that it’s like taking a trip around the world as I take a mere walk around the block. What makes my district so great is that it’s like taking a trip around the world as I take a mere walk around the block. We need to work tirelessly to ensure our residents have permanent access to housing. Workers and small businesses are being squeezed. The people! As the District 11 City Council special election, scheduled for March 23, draws closer, Mino Lora, an educator and executive director of the People’s Theatre Project, has picked up a series of additional endorsements.One of six remaining special election candidates running, Lora got the backing of two progressive women’s groups and a labor union on Thursday, March 4. Term-limited Councilmember Carlos Menchaca, who is now running for mayor, has held the seat since 2013. I’ve also served on advisory and stakeholder committees for the proposed Amazon development, Sunnyside Yards, Kosciuszko Bridge, LaGuardia Airport and more. It makes me proud that our district is one of the most diverse in the city — it’s really people of all ethnicities, races, genders, sexual orientations and abilities coming together to help one another. Candidate Answers to JOLDC: Jesse Laymon for City Council District 26. I love my neighbors and the sense of community in this district, which is why I have chosen to put down roots and build my family here. Over 14 years, I’ve made government work for working people, helping to write, pass or implement dozens of landmark laws, including paid sick leave, protections for freelancers and low-wage workers, protections against predatory lending and more. Among the many aspects I love about this district, I love that this is a community that takes pride in having their voices heard and that residents actively participate in community events. Build the majority of housing for those below 50 percent area median income (AMI). By taking apartments off the private market, rents could be affordable again. There are several special elections for seats vacated in 2020 and early 2021; these special elections will be the first to use ranked-choice voting in city council elections after it was approved by a ballot question in 2019. We need someone to stand up to real estate so that our neighborhood has the schools, libraries, green space and transit systems which make for vibrant and sustainable neighborhoods. Julie and I know each other from our time on Community Board 2, and I’ve always found her to be an insightful and intelligent member of the board. And it’s clear that the MTA is severely underfunded and mismanaged by the state. When you walk down the street on any given day you could meet someone from any corner of the world and I think that’s pretty special. We are in the midst of an economic and housing crisis and a pandemic. Jonathan is also a kind person. I attended public school. Julia Forman: 1) Rebuilding our city’s economy and addressing the fiscal crisis by cutting government waste to prevent layoffs and demanding our federal and state governments provide the resources and revenue we need or are owed for housing, education, infrastructure and healthcare; 2) Building more safe and permanent housing with a focus on responsible and sustainable development. Some responses were edited slightly for clarity, and we did not fact-check responses. With 18 candidates vying to represent District 26 in the City Council, the western Queens district is perhaps the most crowded race in the citywide Democratic primary in June. Lorenzo Brea knows better than any of us what it’s like to grow up in NYCHA. District 2 is the southeastern third of Nixa, which is everything to the south of North Street and east of U.S. Highway 160, including the historic Main Street area. As a former NYCHA resident, I know the issues. Gomez: I haven’t decided yet. Candidate Name: Jesse Laymon. While candidate Matthew Farrell, of Woodside, has received the endorsement of the Queens Democratic Party and local party politicians such as Queens Borough President Claire Shulman and City Councilwoman Helen Marshall, pop-up candidate Eric Gioia may give him a race to the finish line. Build true affordable housing through not-for-profit developers, community land trusts, and Mitchell-Llama style models. Candidates Tavo Bortoli, Giselle Burgess and Lorenzo Brea did not respond to multiple requests for comment by press time. For over 19 years, I served as an executive director with the YMCA – the last nine of which were at our local Long Island City YMCA, supporting children and families. I want to elevate opportunities for all and include all voices at the table for the greater good of the community. One of the things we can do is implement universal rent control, and highlight good-faith evictions which would expand protections for renters and tenants: this would give renters the right to renew their lease with limited rent increases and prevent landlords from evicting renters without good cause. The District 6 seat is open because current councilor Matt O'Malley chose not to run again. We need to invest in public housing. Learn about the six at-large Lincoln City Council candidates' positions on the issues before voting in the May 4 general election. Bagga: The next-most progressive candidate and one that I believe is deeply committed first and foremost to public service. Prices would be based on stabilized rents from the mid-1990s. I helped lead NYC’s $40 million census campaign, which was the city’s first-ever direct investment in community organizing in Black, Brown and immigrant communities, and achieved a city response rate higher than most major cities in the U.S., helping to secure our political and economic future. on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals MDA-AI&PR2020, International Workshop Case-Based Reasoning CBR-MD 2021, Intern. The recommendations from community boards should hold more weight than they’re currently given. I was a bus boy, waiter, bartender, valet parker, karate teacher, then worked my way through college and law school on financial aid. Jonathan Bailey: The pandemic has increased the burden many of us have carried for years. We’re a small town in a big city. Hi, I’m Paula! I can do this because I have a background of building support exclusively from people that want to fight to build a better NYC. Restart Section 8 or similar programs: We cannot lose our local residents due to high rent and over gentrification; 2) Rent to buy affordable micro/small unit apartment programs. There are so many candidates running that I’m going to take some time to really get to know the other candidates as we all should. More so than any other council district in the city, whatever you are looking for, you can find here in District 26. Forman: 1) As the treasurer and co-founder of Western Queens Community Land Trust, I believe that our communities should decide how public land is used. Khan: I have to say that there are several candidates that I am considering for my second ranked vote, but if I was to pick one today, it would be Julie Won. Jesse Laymon: I’m focusing my campaign on the values of environmental sustainability and anti-racism, and the opportunities to address both through bold policies of environmental justice. Some judges have blacklisted me. I can find so many different types of cuisines, and I love having opportunities to go out and dine and try new dishes. I attended public school. Steven Raga: In my opinion, housing, healthcare and transportation are the most pressing issues for our district. [The Department of Homeless Services] spends two times the amount on hotels than we do on all public housing combined. Honestly, the neighborhoods within Council District 26 have been crucial characters in my family’s immigration story. This will help all residents, especially those financially affected by the pandemic, to retain their housing. At this time, I am still undecided on my other ranked choice votes. The top three most pressing issues in my district are education and childcare, housing and land use, and the economy and jobs. Hallie Kim is an educator and (I think?) I did not accept. Bagga: My experience. I take positions supporting working people that others often won’t. Candidates who have chosen to join the Campaign Finance Program by timely certifying are considered "participants." Some responses were edited slightly for clarity, and we did not fact-check responses. The winner of this race will serve in the City Council until December 31. We need to come up with an exit plan for people who are unhoused. Lack of access to quality education and technology for small business recovery, lack of safe and fair housing opportunities, and making transit more equitable. He has shown a commitment to this community through his service. Our political system wasn’t built for people like me. It’s why I was able to help challenge Joe Crowley with Ocasio-Cortez 2018 with no issue, co-found Amazonians United NYC (our worker’s organization at Amazon, where we fight for our rights), and advocate for an Elected Civilian Review Board to address systemic issues. I have to say that there are several candidates that I am considering for my second ranked vote, but if I was to pick one today, it would be Julie Won. Block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, there is an unending cavalcade of cultures, people, and communities. It’s my home. Our district is the first home to many immigrants in NYC and getting to know all those stories and longtime families is what I love the most. Kim: The aspect of my background that best speaks to my abilities as a City Council member is my experience as an educator at CUNY. I think our representative should be someone who has a proven track record of service to the community over the years. We are going to have many forums and opportunities to hear from a field of candidates. 2) Pass legislation requiring that all housing built on public land is 100 percent deeply and permanently affordable, with affordability levels being dictated not just by AMI, but an entirely new vulnerability assessment that looks at overcrowding, health and environmental factors, transit access and more, to determine true affordability. QNS: What do you love most about your district? This page will be updated as information becomes available. We should implement universal basic income to provide partial relief while the Council and the new mayor work on longer-term solutions. I think our representative should be someone who has a proven track record of service to the community over the years. Community Education Council for District 1 ... Community Education Council for District 26 ; Steven Raga, candidate for City Council 26. I enjoy working on solutions to problems collaboratively and creatively, and will bring this passion to City Council. (Photo courtesy of Brent O’Leary’s campaign). Laymon: I’m not the only progressive candidate running, or the only one with strong experience. I started working at 12 years old. We’ve had to rely on the internet during the pandemic. We’re in a battle against overdevelopment, gentrification and a soon-to-come eviction crisis. We need to make sure everyone has access to healthcare, reign in the insurance companies and lower drug prices. More so than any other council district in the city, whatever you are looking for, you can find here in District 26. I believe the next Council needs to advance policy solutions that create equitable opportunity in a sustainable way by closing fossil fuel power plants like Big Allis and redeveloping them into affordable housing and places of business; creating a jobs guarantee for young New Yorkers at local small businesses; reclaiming our streets for new busways, protected bike lanes and permanent Open Streets; and launching the Green New Deal for public housing right here in Queensbridge. Keehan-Smith: We are going to have many forums and opportunities to hear from a field of candidates. That’s why revitalizing small businesses and supporting our local independent business owners is my top priority as your next councilwoman. The recommendations from community boards should hold more weight than they’re currently given. As a cyclist, I’ve seen the progress we’ve made to protect bikers and drivers, but there is more to do. This will help all residents, especially those financially affected by the pandemic, to retain their housing. I’m proud to be the first candidate for this district to refuse all money from real estate developers and lobbyists so that my community knows I fight only for them. Our district is the first home to many immigrants in NYC and getting to know all those stories and longtime families is what I love the most. I’ve been a business and finance lawyer, and have the white collar skills in law, negotiation, business and finance needed to get our neighborhood what it deserves, and the blue collar values to do what’s right. I’m aware of how the laws that City Council members write are implemented and enforced. As an affordable housing resident myself, making sure that all western Queens residents who need it have access to affordable housing is one of my top three priorities, along with revitalizing small business and improving public safety. Some judges have blacklisted me. I know that combining my years of experience practicing law with my dedication to my neighbors, I will hit the ground running in City Hall by writing laws that help New Yorkers instead of catering to any outside interest. I started working at 12 years old. I also love the diversity of people, businesses, restaurants, industries and activities which make for a vibrant and exciting community to live and work in. And we speak our minds and we’re honest. Next is the affordable housing crisis. It’s what we need to take on challenges like climate change in our future. Sharpe: Jonathan Bailey. Forman: We are scheduling conversations to make this determination after petitioning but do look forward to building that partnership. Small businesses have no breathing room and are one bad month away from being closed. With 18 candidates vying to represent District 26 in the City Council, the western Queens district is perhaps the most crowded race in the citywide Democratic primary in June. McKinney City Council McKinney McKinney Election McKinney elections May 2021 May 2021 elections Justin Beller Johnny Moore Cris Trevino Stan Penn SHARE THIS STORY Share to Facebook The Colorado Springs City Council election in April is drawing a wide field of political newcomers and a handful of younger candidates to races for the six district seats. Right now, more than 300 candidates are running for City Council are! Speak our minds and we did not fact-check responses will prioritize fully funding our public to! Other [ carved ] out secondary apartments helping government agencies modernize their infrastructure to housing court times! Ranked second due to his community involvement, education and experiences comment candidate. Every year updated with comment from candidate Jonathan Bailey: i haven ’ settled. Help 1,000 immigrant families reunite, get their green cards or gain citizenship, who now! 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