asia minor timeline

Croesus attacked the Persians, but was swiftly defeated by Cyrus the Great, king of the Persians. Asia Minor Expedition ΜΙΚΡΑΣΙΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΚΣΤΡΑΤΕΙΑ Μετά το τέλος του Α΄ Παγκοσμίου πολέμου οι δυνάμεις της Ανταντ προχωρούν στο διαμελισμό της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας. After the fall of the Hittites, the new states of Phrygia and Lydia stood strong on the western coast as Greek civilization began to flourish. During this time the Hattians engaged in trade with city states such as those of Sumer, which needed timber products from the Amanus Mountains. tl_categories_checked(); Romans made changes in Anatolian architecture and marble became an important component of the buildings erected during this period. We are now World History Encyclopedia to better reflect the breadth of our non-profit organization's mission. The net result was to weaken Seleucid control still further, and in the middle of the 3rd century BC Cappadocia and Pergamum became independent kingdoms. Croesus completed the subjection of the Greek cities in Asia Minor, and had plans to extend his conquests further. I will give you credit. He issued a famous edict laying down precise rules of succession, so as to avoid the troubles at the end of previous reigns which had so weakened the kingdom in the past. Categories: Migration & Trade Learn More. Civilization & Science They certainly seem to have acquired their alphabet from the Greeks, in the mid-8th century BC. Like the Phrygians before them, they also gained in wealth, and have a major claim in history to being the first kingdom to use metal coinage. ♦ Timeline and History of Asia Minor (Anatolia) ♦ Chronology of Asia Minor (Anatolia) 500.000 BC - 324 AD ♦ Byzantine Period in Asia Minor ♦ Chronology of Byzantine Period 324 - 1453 ♦ Seljuk & Ottoman Period in Asia Minor ♦ Chronology of Seljuk Empire 985 - 1243 ♦ Chronology of Ottoman Empire 1301 - … The end of Hattusilis’ reign was marked by quarrels with and between his sons, and the succession went eventually to his grandson, Mursilis (c. 1620-1595 BC). Originally centred on the shores of Lake Van, it expanded over a sizeable territory to the north of Assyria. In the north, however, a new threat emerged with an invasion by the Kashku tribes. In the years before 1200 BC, the Hittites seem to have expanded their power into western Asia Minor, perhaps even bringing Troy under their control. Now, however, they seem to have taken control of the towns in or near where they lived, perhaps taking advantage of a new military technology spreading amongst the Indo-European chiefdoms, the chariot. Suppiluliumas spent the first few years of his reign consolidating his kingdom’s borders. The existence of written documents from long ago has allowed the development in China of precise historiographical tradition that offers a continuous narration from the first dynasties to the contemporary age.2100-1600 BCThe First Chinese Dynasty, Xia, was a slavery-based society that allowed private property. Here is a chronological timeline of the complete history of Turkey. Most notably, Catal Huyuk, dating to the 8th to late 7th millennia BC, was a large community with an elaborate culture. This troubled period was brought to an end by the accession of king Telipinus (c. 1525-c.1500 BC). Sardis was captured, and all Anatolia was now in Persian hands. A settlement on a high ridge would become known as Büyükkaya, and later as the city of Hattush, the centre of this civilization. During the Middle Ages, as a part of the Byzantine Empire, it became a center of Christianity and the guardian of Greek and Roman culture. Dan Graves, MSL. They were allowed to keep their own laws and customs, and in most case their own native rulers, now governing as vassals of the Persian overlords. 133 B.C. The Seleucids gained the upper hand, but their hold on the vassal kingdoms of northern Anatolia, particularly Pontus and Bithynia, quickly loosened. ), which embraced the regions of Mysia, Lydia, Caria, and Phrygia (see Rom 16:5; II Tim 1:15; Acts 1:4). 261 BC - Laodicea founded. Central Anatolia became dominated by the Phrygians, at this time divided amongst different tribes; the Kaska remained in the northeast. Whereas Mesopotamia itself was poor in such minerals, Anatolia was rich. NO:21 D BLOK K:4 D:64 KAĞITHANE İSTANBUL, Phone : 0 212 241 05 66 (pbx) Fax : 0 212 241 72 88, TIMELINE AND HISTORY OF ASIA MINOR (ANATOLIA), CHRONOLOGY OF ASIA MINOR (ANATOLIA) 500.000 BC - 330 AD, CHRONOLOGY OF BYZANTINE EMPIRE (324-1453 A.D.), CHRONOLOGY OF SELJUK EMPIRE 985 - 1243 AD, MODERN HISTORY OF TURKEY 1923 - UNTIL TODAY, CHRONOLOGY OF MODERN TURKEY 1923 - UNTIL TODAY, IZMIR (SMYRNA) & KUSADASI /MAIN HISTORICAL SITES, First Ecumenical Council - The First Council of Nicaea (325), Second Ecumenical Council - The First Council of Constantinople (381), Third Ecumenical Council - The First Council of Ephesus (431), Fourth Ecumenical Council - The Council of Chalcedon (451), Fifth Ecumenical Council - Second Council of Constantinople (553), Sixth Ecumenical Council - The Third Council of Constantinople (680-681), Seventh Ecumenical Council - The Second Council of Nicaea (787), Seven Churches of Revelation in Asia Minor, ♦ Timeline and History of Asia Minor (Anatolia), ♦ Chronology of Asia Minor (Anatolia) 500.000 BC - 324 AD, ♦ Chronology of Byzantine Period 324 - 1453, ♦ Chronology of Ottoman Empire 1301 - 1923, ♦ Moderm History of Turkey 1923 - until today, ♦ Chronology of Modern Turkey 1923 - until today. It is very well done! century BC under Sargon I, particularly in eastern Anatolia. From the end of the 7th century BC Lydia exercised a growing hegemony over the Greek cities on the coast. Anatolia had remained in the prehistoric period until it entered the sphere of influence of the Akkadian Empire in the 24th century BC under Sargon I, particularly in eastern Anatolia. With the accession of king Suppiluliumas I, at some date around 1350 BC, things began to improve again. The Hittite domination of Anatolia and northern Syria was replaced by a multitude of small kingdoms and tribes, and those states on the west coast of Asia Minor were overwhelmed by further migrations from the west. During the middle Bronze Age, the Hattian civilization, including its capital of Hattus, continued to expand. This troubled period was brought to an end by the accession of king Telipinus (c. 1525-c.1500 BC). timelineTypesChecked.push(this.value); Asia Minor was one of the first areas to develop bronze making. The treaty of Apamea Kibotos. Asia was a term which in the books of the Maccabees actually means Asia Minor, which Antioch III (the Great) had to give up to the Roman province of Asia Proconsularis (formed after 133 B.C. However, the appearance of a new power to his east put an end to these ambitions – and to the existence of Lydia as an independent kingdom. Thanks. The Temple of Artemisin Ephesus, built by king Croesusof Lydiain the 6th century BC, was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Other Hattian centres include Hassum, Kanesh, Purushanda, and Zalwar. 133 BC - Roman Empire begins; lasts until AD 300 . In eastern and northern Asia Minor, Persian cultural influences predominated. This timeline highlights the major events in the history of Ancient Rome. Primarily designed for military use, they become important communication and trade routes. to 235 A.D., five Roman provinces are established in Anatolia: Asia, Bithynia, Pontus, Galatia, and Cappadocia. 500 BC - Jews' return from captivity. After Tudhalyas' death, the Hittite kingdom came under attack from all directions, and even Hattusa, the capital, was sacked by the Kaska. The royal families of the different states were all at least partly Greek or Macedonian in blood, often related to the leading dynasties of the Hellenistic world, the Antigonids of Macedonia, the Seleucids of Syria and Ptolemais of Egypt. War(fare) & Battles The most ambitious of all Seleucid kings, Antiochus III (223-187 BC), sought to restore Seleucid control over the various states of Anatolia, but his efforts provoked his enemies to seek the aid of the Romans. Trade brought wealth, literacy and urban civilization; it also may have stimulated the endemic warfare that is evident in the fortified towns and villages which spread through Anatolia, and by the prominence given to weapons as grave goods. First instances of iron working in the Hittite Empire . However the Akkadian Empire suffered problematic climate changes in Mesopotamia, as well as a reduction in available manpower that affected trade. Lydia secured her eastern borders by negotiated a peace treaty with the Medes, who had taken over control of eastern Anatolia from the Assyrians. The Hittites, however, despite being surrounded by enemies, mostly maintained their borders effectively, and in under their king Muwatallis (c. 1295-1272 BC) fought the Egyptians to a draw at the battle of Kadesh (1275). However, most of the region remained untroubled by this. were all in Asia Minor. However, after 387 BC, under to the terms of the “King’s Peace” between the leading Greek cities and the Persian Great King, the Greek cities in Asia Minor were came again under Persian rule. As the power of the Empire declined, Arabs and Mongols invaded. crusaders head into Asia Minor July 1, 1097 Turks under Kilij Arslan unsuccessfully attack the crusaders at Dorlyaeum October 21, 1097 crusaders reach Antioch, which is ruled by Yaghi-Suyan early February 1098 Muslim relief force under Kerbogha (Karbuqa) of Mosul heading to Antioch During this period, numerous roads are built linking the highland cities to the Anatolian coast. It was dotted with large, Greek-style cities - indeed some, such as Ephesus and Pergamum, were amongst the largest cities of the period - and its people contributed to the Hellenistic civilization of which it was a part. 325 BC - Alexander the Great's conquest. Thousands of Roman and Italian merchants, tax collectors and administrators started descending on western Asia Minor. Only the threat from a distant Persian kingdom prevented them from advancing past their peak of success. Stone Age artefacts such as animal bones and food fossils were found at Burdur (north of Antalya). Position of the seven churches in Asia Minor to whom the seven epistles in Revelation 1-3 were addressed. Arzawa again tried to throw off Hittite control, this time unsuccessfully. Peak of Hittite power. The churches of Revelation 2-3 (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, etc.) A Selective Timeline for the Mediterranean World 1600 BCE to 410 CE (adapted from Oxford History of the Classical World, ed. The great city of Hattusa is sacked and destroyed. In the 5th century, Asia Minor, along with most of the rest of the eastern provinces of the empire, escaped the wholesale anarchy visited upon the western provinces. Rome controlled over two million square miles stretching from the Rhine River to Egypt and from Britain to Asia Minor. By the mid-third century, the expanding power of the However, this era was brought to an end by a mass movement of peoples from the west, which eventually affected all the great kingdoms of the Middle East. Timeline Attributes. Locally, however, the subject peoples retained a large measure of autonomy. By the end of the 8th century BC, however, northern Syria and south eastern Anatolia were under Assyrian rule. }); The apostle Paul went first to the cities of Asia Minor. 1121: Reconquest of southwestern Asia Minor. Many cities of Asia Minor also housed thriving Jewish communities, whose numbers were reinforced after the Jews were excluded from their homeland after the Jewish revolts of AD 66-70 and AD 133. To the south, these newcomers mainly belonged to a group of the Greeks called the Ionians, while in the north they belonged to the Aeolian group. For the first two centuries of the Roman Empire, Anatolia knew almost unbroken peace. It seems that in some cases, including the kingdoms centred on Matalya and Carchemish, the rulers of these Neo-Hittite kingdoms could trace their ancestry back to the old Hittite royal family. Timeline of Events in Asia Minor. The 3rd century saw Asia Minor experience a taste of the chaos visited upon other parts of the empire by Germanic invaders. Select: all / none. Nature & Climate By the 8th century BC farming communities were well established in the region, and some of the earliest towns excavated by archaeologists were located here. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2021) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. This provoked the Romans to war, but, distracted as they were by their own political troubles, they were unable to inflict a decisive defeat on Mithridates. Greek traditions continue until the Roman conquest of much of the same area, beginning in 133 B.C, when western Asia Minor becomes a Roman province. They were brought up and educated in Hellenistic ways, and this allowed these rulers to appeal to the loyalties of their many subjects who were Greek in language and culture; but they could also appeal to those of their subjects who retained their Asiatic heritage by presenting themselves in a more Persian guise. He established firm Hittite control over northern Syria. Another kingdom that arose during the 8th century BC was that of Urartu, in eastern Anatolia. He then brought Arzawa under Hittite control again, and, most notably, smashed the power of the Mitanni, eliminating them as an independent power. It was under Hattusilis also that the Hittites established their capital at Hattusa. Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. Even the Persian satraps were by this time hereditary rulers owing only loose allegiance to the Great King in distant Iran. For a long period Asia Minor probably remained the main centre for this new faith, although Christianity fairly soon broke away from its Jewish roots to become a separate religion. However, at the beginning of the 7th century BC the power of the Phrygian kingdom was brought to an end by a destructive invasion from the steppes of central Asia by a nomadic tribe called the Cimmerians. } var timelineTypesChecked = []; Philosophy & Religion Timeline of important events in the history of the Ottoman Empire. It makes … While Anatolia was well endowed with copper ores, there was no evidence of substantial workings of the tin required to make bronze in Bronze-Age Anatolia. This power was Persia, which had conquered the Medes. SHARE . However, the appearance of a new power to his east put an end to these ambitions – and to the existence of Lydia as an independent kingdom. The Greek cities on the whole retained their own republican constitutions, also under Persian over lordship, and even after the defeat of the Ionian revolt of 499 BC, which instigated the Greco-Persian wars; the Greek cities retained their autonomy. While the Hittite kingdom was experiencing its triumphs and disasters, western Anatolia had come increasingly under the influence of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations. This period saw a marked upturn in literacy (based on a cuneiform script), with material culture taking on distinctive Anatolian characteristics. Another settlement was established at Yarikkaya, about 2 km to the northeast. Hopes of regaining Asia Minor are lost. It was this king who led an army 800 km (500 ml) down the Euphrates and sacked Babylon in 1595 BC. 1285 BCE. By this time, the Hittites and other Indo-European groups were well-established in Anatolia, as well as in other parts of the Middle East. Pontus (Pontos), an ancient Greek word for “sea”, refers to the Black Sea and the surrounding coastal areas. The Romans constructed many masterpiece level buildings around Anatolia. It was not until 63 BC that the Roman general Pompey the Great was able to finally defeat him, and all Asia Minor was brought under Roman rule. States & Territories Great Opportunity Wasted It may just be the greatest botched opportunity in all church history. In the two centuries leading up to 1000 BC, Greek settlers, driven from their homeland by population movements there, founded many small kingdoms along the western coast of Asia Minor. The tide once again threatened to move against the Hittites, however, as Assyria grew in power and seized land in northern Syria. At the origins of written history, the Anatolian plains inside the area ringed by the Kızılırmak River were occupied by the first defined civilization in Anatolia, a non-Indo-European indigenous people named the Hattians (c. 2500 BC – c. 2000 BC). Remnants of Hattian civilization have been found both under the lower city of Hattusha and in the higher areas of Büyükkaya and Büyükkale. It rapidly expanded over central, southern and eastern Anatolia to form what modern scholars call the Old Hittite Kingdom (c. 1700 – c. 1595 BC). [6] Anatolia,[a]also known as Asia Minor, is a large peninsulain Western Asiaand the westernmost protrusion of the Asiancontinent. Asia was a term which in the books of the Maccabees actually means Asia Minor, which Antioch III (the Great) had to give up to the Roman province of Asia Proconsularis (formed after 133 B.C. Roman citizenship, however, did spread widely in the cities, and by AD 200 the region had produced many families whose members sat in the Roman senate. The growing Roman presence in this region provoked intense resentment, and in 88 BC the king of Pontus, Mithridates VI, quickly expanded his power over western Asia Minor, where he was welcomed as a liberator, and organized the massacre of thousands of Roman and Italian merchants and their families. 920-586 BC - Divided kingdom of Israel. Here is a chronological timeline of the complete history of Turkey. John R. says: June 16, 2016 at 10:11 pm Mark, Could I please have your permission to use this map on a handout for a bible study I’m teaching on 1 Peter. In this period, the first Chinese calendar was produced. New towns sprang up on the west coast of Asia Minor. King Croesus of Lydia (c. 560-546 BC) was so fabulously wealthy that he made a deep impression of the Greeks. In around 2000 BC, further upheaval seems to have spread from the west. During the middle Bronze Age, the Hattian civilization, including its capital of Hattus, continued to expand. Rulers & Politics The Anatolian middle Bronze Age influenced the early Minoan culture of Crete (3400 to 2200 BC) as evidenced by archaeological findings at Knossos. Although the first habitation appears to have occurred as early as the 6th millennium BC during the Chalcolithic period, functioning settlements trading with each other occurred during the 3rd millennium BC. Another settlement was established at Yarikkaya, about 2 km to the northeast. The Stone Age is a prehistoric period in which stone was widely used in the manufacture of implements. In the later Roman Empire the cities of Asia Minor were leading centres of the new chief religion of the empire, Christianity, and its bishops played a major part in the life of the Christian Church as a whole, their influence spreading well beyond their own region. Roman Empire Timeline Timeline Description: The Roman Empire was one of the greatest civilizations in history. Phrygian tribes moved into western Asia Minor from Thrace, in Europe, and the Sea Peoples, a group of coastal peoples set in movement by events in Europe, raided Anatolia with such force that the Hittite empire collapsed. It was also a plentiful source of precious and semi-precious stones. The evidence of Palaeolithic habitation includes the Yarimburgaz Cave (Istanbul), Karain Cave (Antalya), and the Okuzini, Beldibi and Belbasi, Kumbucagi and Kadiini caves in adjacent areas. However, although most of Anatolia was now under native dynasties, the region was very much a part of the Hellenistic world. In the power vacuum that followed the fall of Phrygia, the Lydians came to the fore, and established a powerful kingdom centred on Sardis. Arzawa was able to regain its independence, and the Hittite kings were hard pressed to maintain their borders intact. 586 BC - Babylonian captivity. Reply. Under this king the Middle Hittite period began. Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians were epistles written to Asian churches. Created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor), the empire grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th centuries. Asia Minor. considered as one of the important regions where the evolution of human who settled in the region during the Palaeolithic and Neolithic periods. The kingdom suffered a major setback when the Cimmerians raided in 652 BC, sacking Sardis and killing the king, Gyges. The most significant facts about Asia Minor in interactive timeline full of images, videos, and quotations This was defeated in 275 BC by a combination of local and Seleucid forces, and the Gauls were settled in a district of central Anatolia which came to be called Galatia. It is generally regarded as being divided into three ages reflecting the dominant materials used for the making of domestic implements and weapons: Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. 1350 BCE - 1250 BCE. Horse introduced to W. Asia : c.2000 "Personal" religion develops in Mesopotamia : c.1900: Epic of Gilgamesh in Mesopotamia. The discovery of mineral deposits in this part of Anatolia allowed the Anatolians to develop metallurgy, such as the implements found in the royal graves at Alaca Höyük, which it preceded, dating from 2.400-2.200 BC. The Romans were at first reluctant, but when Antiochus crossed into Greece and threatened the Roman sphere of influence there, they intervened against him, and decisively defeated him. The Ionian cities were in fact at the forefront of Greek civilization at this time: the first and greatest of Greek poets, Homer, lived and worked here, and the “Ionian philosophers” pioneered Greek philosophy and science. The Greek cities on the whole retained their own republican constitutions, also under Persian over lordship, and even after the defeat of the Ionian revolt of 499 BC, which instigated the Greco-Persian wars; the Greek cities retained their autonomy. 1000-2010 Mercator. By the 8, millennium BC during the Chalcolithic period, functioning settlements trading with each other occurred during the 3. millennium BC. This led to its fall around 2.150 BC at the hands of the Gutians. He conquered Arzawa and western Asia Minor, and inflicted a resounding defeat on the Mitanni in Syria, sacking Aleppo, and extending Hittite territory there. Towards the end of the first century, or perhaps even at the beginning of the second century A.D., the apostle John died after years of ministry to the churches of Asia Minor, the region now occupied by modern Turkey. Epistles written to Asian churches which had conquered the Medes Kura-Araxes culture in Anatolia, Greek cultural spread! Kaska remained in the region remained untroubled by this time divided amongst different tribes ; Kaska... Occasions in the Hittite kingdom dates flourish again events that shaped that.! Manufacture of implements 1600 BCE to 410 CE ( adapted from Oxford history of Turkey battles emperors. Minor was one of the Latin language was concerned descending on western Asia Minor in the prehistoric period in stone! A study on 1 Peter very much a part of the Akkadians in the same scale in... 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