How do we combat negativity and drama in the fire station?

It doesn’t matter if it is a career fire department, volunteer or per-diem. We all experience this.
Negativity is contagious. Negativity can bring an entire organization down if it isn’t taken care of. The same goes with drama.
So how do we combat negativity and drama? The answer is simple, but you have to accept this answer in order for it to actually work. Are you ready?
The easiest way to combat negativity starts with YOU. That’s right. You.
You need to take responsibility for your OWN reactions and your OWN feelings toward a situation. You need to introduce new ways to bring in positivity in YOUR life.
Just as negativity is contagious, positivity is also contagious. Be the one to step up and take control of your own feelings and your own life and people will soon follow. Some may take longer than others to follow along, but you can be that influence.
Once you get yourself out of and away from the trap that negativity creates, you’ll soon begin to notice just how exhausting it is to be within the group that constantly complains about things.
And that brings up another point. Don’t be a complainer. Fight hard to get yourself in a place where you bring forward solutions rather than being the one who complains about how things should be.
Complaining will get you absolutely nowhere. And when you get nowhere and you continue to complain, your negativity will only increase. You’ll become unhappy with the organization and you may be at risk of just giving it all up.
Our goal here is to make sure nobody gives anything up. We want to make sure everyone wants to be at the firehouse and wants to be answering the calls and attending the trainings.
How can you become more positive? Well, begin with some personal development. Start reading leadership books and personal development books. Listen to podcasts that are geared toward bettering yourself. It starts with YOU. Each one of us are ultimately responsible for negativity and drama.
So why not start today? Start each day with a positive attitude. Find the things that you appreciate in life. Create personal goals for yourself on a daily basis. Eat healthier foods. Live each day purpose driven. We can all do this.