Who is responsible?

Who is responsible?
If we want to maintain a high quality membership and good morale within our organization, it’s time we all start stepping up and taking ownership within our organization and within our personal lives. Let’s stop passing the blame on to our Officers and our Chiefs and take responsibility for our weaknesses and our failures. If you want to make it down the long road to success, get on it.
Who is responsible for your training? You are.
Who is responsible for your test scores? You are.
Who is responsible for your personal fitness? You are.
Who is responsible for how you show up? You are.
Who is responsible for controlling drama? You are.
Who is responsible for your attitude? You are.
Who is responsible for how you react to negativity? You are.
Who is responsible for your health? You are.
Who is responsible for your ability to be promoted? You are.
Who is responsible for your education? You are.
Who is responsible for setting the tone within your organization? You are.
Who is responsible for your success? You are.
Do you get the point? You are the only one responsible for your faults, your weaknesses and your success.